Dr. Renee Soulodre-La France

Dr. Renee Soulodre-La France

Dr. Renee Soulodre-La France

Professor Emerita

Phone: 519-433-3491
Email: rsoulodr@uwo.ca

Professor Soulodre-La France completed her undergraduate degree and MA at the University of Alberta and her PhD at the University of California, San Diego. She teaches colonial and modern Latin American history. Her courses include senior seminars on the enslavement of Africans in Africa and Latin America, Human Rights in Latin America and Colonial Societies in Latin America as well as courses that focus on religion and popular culture in Latin America.  



  • BA, MA, University of Alberta
  • Ph.D, University of California, San Diego


Her research interests focus upon the history of peoples of African origin and Indigenous peoples  in Nueva Granada, present-day Colombia, in South America. Her more recent work is on the social and cultural history of the enslaved in Latin America and the inter-racial relationships that developed within the colonial world when Indigenous, African and European populations were brought together.  She has participated in two Major Collaborative Research initiatives, The Nigerian Hinterland Project at York University and the Hispanic Baroque and Complexities project at Western and McGill.

Baroque Identities: 

She is also an affiliate Scholar with the Harriet Tubman Research Institute for Research on the Global Migrations of African Peoples at York University, Toronto.

Selected Publications

With Carlos Liberato, Mariana P. Candido and Paul E. Lovejoy, Laços Atlânticos: África e africanos durante a era do comércio transatlântico de escravos. Museu Nacional da Escravatura, Luanda: 2017

With José R. Jouve-Martín eds. “La Constitución del Barroco Hispánico Problemas y Acercamientos, » Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, vol. 33. No. 1, Autumn, 2008

“Trocas transatlânticas: Movimentação de produtos e conexões culturais entre a Alta Guiné e a Nova Granada, século XVII”, in Carlos Liberato, Mariana P. Candido and Paul E. Lovejoy, Renée Soulodre-La France, Laços Atlânticos: África e africanos durante a era do comércio transatlântico de escravos. Museu Nacional da Escravatura, Luanda: 2017. pp. 205-222.

“Sailing Through the Sacraments: Ethnic and Cultural Geographies of a Port and its Churches-Cartagena de Indias, “Slavery and Abolition. Vol. 36, Issue 3, September 2015, pp. 461-477.

The People of the King’ Autonomy and Collective Identity in Coyaima,” in Jesus Pérez-Magallon and Harald F. Braun eds. The Transatlantic Hispanic Baroque. Complex Identities in the Atlantic World. Ashgate 2014.

« Viva Dios y el rey de España por quien muero contento! » ‘Africanos franceses’ en el Caribe español » in Martha Luz Machado Caicedo, ed. La Diáspora Africana : Un Legado de Resistencia y Emancipación. NiNsee, FUCLAS-Fundación Universitaria Claretiana, y la Universidad del Valle, Colombia, 2012.

 “What is in a body? Hermaphrodites and Late Colonial Order in Nueva Granada,”. in José Jouve-Martin, ed. Sueños de la razón : monstruos, aberraciones y quimeras del Barroco a la Ilustración. Special Number of La Habana Elegante, Sept. 2010.

"Buried Treasure: Searching with Francisco Castneda, Negro Esclavo Caravali, in Nueva Granada" in Repercussions of the Atlantic Slave Trade, 2010.

Recent Presentations and Conferences 

May 2018 - Barcelona Latin American Studies Association “Whose Trees are they Anyway?” Quina Exploitation in Colonial Nueva Granada.

May 2018 - Nashville Slaves Societies and the Digital Humanities Workshop: Slave Societies and the Digital Humanities-Colombia.  Vanderbilt University-invited

October 2017 American Society for Ethnohistory Annual Meeting  - Winnipeg  “… Usted manda en la Plaza de Cartagena…el manda en el  Palenque hasta la puerta de la Media Luna….” Geographies of  Freedom and the Governance of Space in Colonial Colombia.    

February 2017 Centre for Studies in Religion and Society-University of Victoria  “Faithful Ties Make Good Colonists: Africans in Colonial North and South America.”

January 2017  American Historical Association Annual Meeting: Denver Colorado  “Unhealthy Climes: Navigating Legal and Natural Landscapes in Nueva Granada.”