Dr. Russell Duvernoy

Dr. Russell Duvernoy

Dr. Russell Duvernoy

Associate Professor

Email: rduverno@uwo.ca

In both research and pedagogy, I follow a speculative pragmatist orientation in seeking to actualize the practice of philosophy as one manner of living responsibly in contexts of social and ecological dysfunction. My research draws primarily on intersections between process philosophies, contemporary continental philosophy and critical environmental philosophy with additional interests in world philosophy, including classical Daoism, Mahayana Buddhist and world Indigenous philosophies.

Awards and Grants

2023 King's Research Excellence Scholar Grant: “Ecological Conversion: From Critique to Creation”


BA – Tufts University (1996)
MA – Philosophy at the University of New Mexico (2011) 
PhD – Philosophy at the University of Oregon (2017)


Past or Regular Courses

1305: Questions of the Day
2224: Philosophy of the Earth
2227: Introduction to Indigenous Philosophies
2244: Planetary Ethics and Social Transformations
2246: Philosophy of Encounter
3343: Special Topics in Ethics
3997: Special Topics in Philosophy


My current research project investigates the ambiguities, risks, and potentials of “ecological conversion” as a rhetorical and philosophical concept for thinking change. Towards this investigation, the project considers: the practice of philosophy as a form of transformative life, the role of affect in human meaning-making, and ontologies of time and memory in relation to personal and collective change.

I have published one monograph study (Affect and Attention after Deleuze and Whitehead: Ecological Attunement (Edinburgh University Press 2020)) and articles in a wide range of scholarly journals.

Selected Publications


Affect and Attention after Deleuze and Whitehead: Ecological Attunement. New Perspectives in Ontology series at Edinburgh University Press. December 2020.


“How Not to Talk about Environmental Personhood: Thinking Transitional Concepts,” Law and Critique, Published online first Nov. 15, 2022.

“The ‘Beautiful Soul’ and ‘Religious Consciousness’: Deleuze and Nishida,” Comparative and Continental Philosophy, Volume 14, Issue 1, Spring 2022, p. 1-14:

“Thinking in Crisis: Towards an Ethics of Speculation?” Environmental Philosophy, Volume 19, Issue 1, Spring 2022, p. 1-21. Published online first June 3, 2022: ​​​

“Paradoxes of Pure Experience: From the Radical to the Transcendental with James and Deleuze” Contemporary Pragmatism, Volume 18, Issue 4, 2021. Published online first Nov. 29, 2021:

“Life in Interregnum: Deleuze, Guattari, and Atleo” in Philosophy in the American West: A Geography of Thought, edited by Josh Hayes, Gerard Kuperus, and Brian Treanor. Routledge Press, 2020: 144-59.
“Climate Change and the Everyday: Becoming Present to Precarity.” Ethics and the Environment, December 2020, Volume 25 (2): 73-97.
“Reckoning with Jean Wahl’s ‘Poetry as Spiritual Exercise’ in Times of Duress: Translation and Commentary.” Philosophy Today, Summer 2020, Volume 64 (3): 793-807.
“Climate X or Climate Jacobin?: A Critical Exchange on our Planetary Future.” Co-Authored with Larry Busk. Radical Philosophy Review, 2020, Volume 23 (2): 175-200. DOI: ). 
“A Genesis of Speculative Empiricisms: Whitehead and Deleuze read Hume.” Southern Journal of Philosophy, December 2019, Volume 57 (4): 459-482.
“Deleuze, Whitehead, and the ‘Beautiful Soul.’” Deleuze and Guattari Studies, May 2019, Volume 13 (2): 163-85.
“Philosophical Criteria in Whitehead and Rorty.” Metaphilosophy, October 2017, Volume 48 (4): 762-779.
“‘Pure Experience’ and ‘Planes of Immanence’: From James to Deleuze.” Journal of Speculative Philosophy, Winter 2016, Volume 30 (4): 427-51.
“‘Concepts’ and Continuity: Onto-Epistemology in William James.” Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, Winter 2015, Volume 51 (4): 508-30.