Dr. Matthew G. Yeager

Dr. Matthew G. Yeager

Dr. Matthew G. Yeager

Professor Emeritus

Phone: 519-433-3491
Email: myeager@uwo.ca

May 25, 2022


Dear King’s Community,

I would like to acknowledge the decision by Dr. Matthew G. Yeager, Full Professor, on his decision to retire effective July 4, 2022. Professor Yeager has been an active member of our community since 2007, serving on and participating in many committees within the Department of Sociology and throughout King’s.


 As a member of the Criminology program he was a very popular professor amongst his students and well known for his ability to engage his students with the study of crime and in particular in the areas in which he researched and published, organized crime, state crime, corporate crime, corrections , and sentencing and parole.


Please join me in wishing Professor Yeager success in his future endeavours and good health in retirement.


Thank you,


Dr. David Malloy,
King’s University College


  • Ph.D. – Carleton University,  Ottawa,  Canada
  • M.A. – State University of New York at Albany
  • B.A. – University of California at Berkeley



I have a lengthy background in criminology, penology, and sociology -- with diverse interests in sentencing and parole, corrections, deviance, critical criminology,  convict criminology, dangerousness, crimes of the powerful, and political economy.

Selected Publications

Yeager, Matthew G. and William Calathes, “Libor Rate Scandals and Casino Capitalism: Criminal Fraud in Worldwide Financial Markets,” Law, Crime and History Vol. 11(1) [2023]: 82-109.

Yeager, Matthew G., Randall G. Shelden, and Alyssa Holden. “The Political Economy of Corporate Bribery: SNC-Lavalin Group as a Case Study,” International Criminology (2021) 1: 341-355.

Yeager, Matthew G., and Matthew Chappelle, “Restorative Justice: The Feasibility of Alternative Models of Justice” Contemporary Justice Review  (2022) 25: 122-140, No. 1.  

Yeager, Matthew G. Dangerous Men: Ideology and the Personification of Evil (Newcastle upon Tyne, England: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 289 p., 2021).

Yeager, Matthew G. (2019) “Global corporate crime and the Sino-Forest fraud in Canada” Sociology International Journal. 3 (January): 1-7, No.1.

Yeager, Matthew G. (Ed.) Reforming American Prisons: A Memoir of My Time at Sing Sing Prison by Warden Thomas Mott Osborne (New York: Edwin Mellen Press, 2018).

Yeager, Matthew G. and Jade Smith (2017) “Global Pollution, Multinational Oil Companies and State Power: The Case of Yaiguaje v. Chevron Corporation” in Environmental Crime in Latin America edited by D. Goyes, H. Mol, A. Brisman and N. South (London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.117-140).

Yeager, Matthew G., Frank Tannenbaum: The Making of a Convict Criminologist (New York: Routledge, 2016).

Yeager, Matthew G. “On the Importance of being John Landesco,” Trends in Organized Crime. 18 (2015): 143-156, Nos. 1-2.

Yeager, Matthew G. & William Calathes, “Sweetheart Settlements, the Financial Crisis, and Impunity: A Case Study of SEC v. Citigroup Global Markets, Inc.” Social Justice 42 (2015): 53- 69, No. 1.

Yeager, Matthew G., (Ed.) Illegal Enterprise: The Work of Historian Mark Haller (Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, June 2013).

Yeager, Matthew G., “From a Convict’s Eyes: Criminology from the Street,” Foreward in C. W. Michael’s The Criminal’s Handbook: A Practical Guide to Surviving Arrest and Incarceration in Canada (London, Ontario: Insomniac Press, 2012, pp. 7-13, 331-333).

Yeager, Matthew G., “Securities Fraud, Goldman Sachs, and Critical Criminology USA” in CrimeTalk, downloaded from . (September 5, 2012).

Yeager, Matthew G. “The Freedom of Information Act as a Methodological Tool,” and “Still at It: An Epilogue” in Brokering Access: Power, Politics, and Freedom of Information Process in Canada, Mike Larsen and Kevin Walby (eds.) (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2012, Chapter 6, pp. 169-193).

Yeager, Matthew G. “The CIA Made Me Do It: Understanding the Political Economy of Corruption in Kazakhstan. Crime, Justice, and Social Change 57 ( May 2012 ): 441-457, No.4.

Yeager, Matthew G., “Fifty years of research on illegal enterprise: an interview with Mark Haller.” Trends in Organized Crime 15 (March 2012): 1-12, No.1.

Yeager, Matthew G, “Frank Tannenbaum: The Making of a Convict Criminologist.” The Prison Journal 91 (June 2011): 177-197, No.2.

Yeager, Matthew G., “Getting the Usual Treatment: Censorship and the Dangerous Offender” in Research Realities in the Social Sciences, edited by Gregory S. Szarycz (Amherst, New York: Cambria Press, 2010, pp.211-236).

Yeager, Matthew G., book review of White Collar Crime: An Opportunity Perspective by Michael Benson and Sally Simpson (New York: Routledge, 2009) Criminal Justice Review 35 (June 2010): 244-245, No.2.

Yeager, Matthew G., Book Review, DeKeseredy, W. S., & Perry, B. (Eds.). (2006). Advancing Critical Criminology: Theory and Application. Latham, MD: Lexington Books. viii, 273 pp Criminal Justice Review 34 [June 2009]: 258-260, No.2.

Yeager, Matthew G. “Getting the Usual Treatment: Research Censorship and the Dangerous Offender,” Contemporary Justice Review. Volume 11 (December 2008): 413-425, No.4.

Yeager, Matthew G., “Dangerous Offenders” in Battleground Criminal Justice edited by Gregg Barak (Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2007; pp. 161-170).

Yeager, Matthew G., “Destabilization in the Private Sector: A Case Study of Barriers to Alternative Sentencing Practices” Offender Programs Report 11 (Sept. – Oct. 2007): 33-42, No. 3.

Yeager, Matthew G., “Constructing the Dangerous Offender: A Test of Quinney’s Social Reality of Crime” (Ph.D. Dissertation in Sociology, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, June 2006).

Yeager, Matthew G., “The Freedom of Information Act as a Methodological Tool: Suing the Government for Data,” Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice 48 (July 2006): 499-521, No.4.

Yeager, Matthew G., “A Partial Test of Life-Course Theory on a Prison Release Cohort” Justice Policy Journal 1 (Fall 2004) No. 3, at www.cjcj.org/jpj [archives].

Yeager, Matthew G., “Life-Course Study of Released Prisoners Suggests Importance of Employment for Offender Reintegration and Community Safety” Offender Programs Report 7 (July-August 2003): 17, 28-32, No.2.

Yeager, Matthew G., "Rehabilitating the Criminality of Immigrants under Section 19 of the Canadian Immigration Act" International Migration Review 36 (Spring 2002): 178-192, No.1.

Yeager, Matthew G., "The Ottawa Special Services Project: A Case Study in Destabilization" Social Justice 28 (2001): 216-230, No.1.

Yeager, Matthew G., "Ideology and Dangerousness: The Case of Lisa Colleen Neve" Critical Criminology 9 (Autumn 2000): 9-21, Nos. 1-2.

Yeager, Matthew G., "Keeping the World Safe for Democracy" The Critical Criminologist (newsletter of the Division of Critical Criminology, American Society of Criminology), 10 (Summer 2000): 14-15, No.3.

Yeager, Matthew G., "Images of Imprisonment," in Correction(s): The Art of Angela Grossmann (Kamloops, BC: Kamloops Art Gallery, November 1999, pp. 20-24.).

Yeager, Matthew G., "Rehabilitating the Criminality of Immigrants under Section 19 of the Canadian Immigration Act" (Ottawa: Case Management Branch, Citizenship & Immigration Canada, July 28, 1998), 27pp.

Yeager, Matthew G., "Immigrants and Criminality: A Cross-National Survey," Criminal Justice Abstracts 29 (March 1997): 143-171, No.1.

Yeager, Matthew G., "Immigrants and Criminality: a Meta Survey" (Ottawa: International Migration and Control Divi­sion, Citizenship & Immigration Canada, January 31, 1996), 58pp.

Yeager, Matthew G., "Sentencing Advocacy: The Research Literature 1970-1994" (Washington, DC: The Sentencing Pro­ject, 1995), 47p.

Yeager, Matthew G. "Client-Specific Planning in the U.S. and Canada" in Intermediate Sanctions in Overcrowded Times, M. Tonry and K. Hamilton (eds) (Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1995), pp. 177-180.

Yeager, Matthew G., "The First 75 Years: A History of the Canadian Criminal Justice Association (1919 to 1994)" (Ottawa: Canadian Criminal Justice Association, 1995).

Yeager, Matthew G., "Client-Specific Planning: A Status Report," Criminal Justice Abstracts 24 (September 1992): 537-549, No.3.

Yeager, Matthew G., "Survey of Client Specific Planning Programs and Their Feasibility as an Alternative to Incarceration in Canada" (Ottawa, Canada: Ministry of the Solicitor General of Canada, Secretariat, Corrections Branch, Pub. No. 1992-06), 113 pp.

Yeager, Matthew G., "Community Redress Against the Corporate Offender" Crime and Social Justice 21-22 (1984): 223-227.

Yeager, Matthew G., with J. Alviani & N. Loving, "How Well Does the Handgun Protect You and Your Family?" in The Gun Control Debate, Lee Nisbet (ed). (Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1990, pp. 213-238).

Yeager, Matthew G., "Unemployment and Imprisonment," Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology 70 (Winter 1979): 586-588.

Yeager, Matthew G. and William P. Brown, "Police Professionalism and Corruption Control," Journal of Police Science and Administration 6 (Sept. 1978): 273-282.

Yeager, Matthew G., Review of Careers in Crime by James Inciardi, in Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology 69 (1978): 263-265 No.2.

Yeager, Matthew G., "Houston (TX). Public Attitudes About Crime -- A National Crime Survey Report" (Washington, DC: Census Bureau, US. Dept. of Commerce, 1978), 68 pp.

Yeager, Matthew G., "Handguns for Self-Protection," (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Conference of Mayors, August 1976), 30 pp.

Yeager, Matthew G., "Do Mandatory Prison Sentences for Handgun Offenders Curb Violent Crime?" (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Conference of Mayors, August 1976, 2nd Ed.), 36 pp.

Yeager, Matthew G., "From Organized Crime to Illicit Enterprise," Contemporary Sociology 5 (May 1976): 272-277.

Yeager, Matthew G., "The Political Economy of Illicit Drugs," Contemporary Drug Problems (Summer 1975): 141-178.

Yeager, Matthew G., "The Gangster as White Collar Criminal: Organized Crime and Stolen Securities," Issues in Criminology 8 (Spring 1973): 49-73.


Recipient of the “Founders Award” for his long involvement with the National Alliance of Sentencing Advocates and Mitigation Specialists.  Presented in May of 2013 in Baltimore, Maryland. 

Inaugural recipient of the 2014 “Practice” award by the Division on Critical Criminology of the American Society of Criminology. Dr. Yeager received the award in San Francisco on November 20.

Inaugural recipient of the 2023 David O. Friedrichs teaching award in white collar crime by the Division on White-Collar and Corporate Crime of the American Society of Criminology.  Presented on November 16th in Philadelphia.