Dr. Mark Sholdice

 Mark Sholdice

Dr. Mark Sholdice


Phone: 519-433-3491
Email: msholdi@uwo.ca


  • PhD, University of Guelph (Tri-University Program in History – Guelph, Waterloo, and Wilfrid Laurier), 2019
  • MA, University of Guelph (Tri-University Program in History), 2009
  • BA (Hons), Queen's University (History/Economics), 2007


  • History 1901E, Foundations in the New Liberal Arts
  • History 2195B, Epidemics in North America
  • History 2501E, History of Latin America
  • History of Science 2220, Introduction to the History of Medicine
  • The New Liberal Arts 2901E, The Birth of the Modern (co-taught)
  • The New Liberal Arts 3901F, Enlightenment to Crisis (co-taught)


Canadian and US political history

Selected Publications

Peer-reviewed articles
“‘A rather stupid sort of game played by the bald and obese middle-aged’: Partisanship and Patronage in Late Nineteenth- and Early-Twentieth-Century English Canadian Historical Writing,” American Review of Canadian Studies, 45, 3 (September 2015): 365-377.

“‘It is the finest piece of government work that I know of anywhere’: The Influence of the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario on the Giant Power Survey of Pennsylvania, 1923-1927,” Scientia Canadensis: Canadian Journal of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine / Scientia Canadensis: Revue canadienne d'histoire des sciences, des techniques et de la médecine, 37, 1-2, (2014): 77-104.

“‘Patronage, like Hamlet’s ghost will not down!’: The United Farmers of Ontario-Independent Labor Party Provincial Government and Political Patronage, 1919-1923,” Ontario History (Autumn 2014): 191-213.

“‘Brotherhood Extended to all Practical Affairs’: The Social Gospel as the Religion of the Agrarian Revolt in Ontario?” Journal of Religion and Popular Culture, 25, 3 (December 2013): 358-371.

Book Reviews
Review of Fixing Niagara Falls: Environment, Energy, and Engineers at the World’s Most Famous Waterfall by Daniel Macfarlane, Ontario History, 113, 2 (Fall 2021), 267-268.

Review of Principles and Gerrymanders: Parliamentary Redistribution of Ridings in Ontario, 1840-1954 by George Emery, Canadian Parliamentary Review, 39, 4 (Winter 2017), 37-38.

Review of Smart Globalization: The Canadian Business History Experience, ed. Andrew Smith and Dimitry Anastakis, Canadian Historical Review, 97, 2 (Summer 2016): 299-300.

“Leo’s Web,” review of Leo Strauss: Man of Peace by Robert Howse, Literary Review of Canada, 23, 7 (September 2015): 26-27.