Dr. Loretta Norton

Dr. Loretta Norton

Dr. Loretta Norton

Assistant Professor

Phone: 519-433-3491
Email: lnorton5@uwo.ca

Dr. Norton’s research uses cognitive neuroscience methods (e.g., functional neuroimaging, electrophysiological recordings [EEG]) in individuals with acute brain injury to understand the neural bases of cognition and consciousness. As a complement to Dr. Norton’s research interests, her courses provide opportunities for psychology students at King’s to gain authentic experiences whereby students participate in neuropsychological case study discussions, tour leading-edge neuroscience research laboratories, and design and implement their own EEG experiments within the classroom.


  • PhD, Western University, Neuroscience, 2017
  • MSc Western University, Neuroscience, 2010
  • HBSc Brock University, Neuroscience, 2008          


  • Psychology 2221, Introduction to Biological Basis of Behaviour
  • Psychology 2135, Cognitive Psychology
  • Psychology 3260, Cognitive Neurosciece
  • Psychology 3994, Neuroscience and Society


  • Brain Injury
  • Disorders of Consciousness
  • Brain Death
  • Functional Neuroimaging

Selected Publications

for full list of publications see

  • Kolisnyk, M., Kazazian, K., Rego, K., Novi, S. L., Wild, C. J., Gofton, T. E., ... & Norton, L. (2023). Predicting neurologic recovery after severe acute brain injury using resting-state networks. Journal of Neurology, 1-10.
  • Norton, L., Graham, M., Kazazian, K., Gofton, T., Weijer, C., Debicki, D., ... & Owen, A. M. (2023). Use of functional magnetic resonance imaging to assess cognition and consciousness in severe Guillain-Barré syndrome. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 23(2), 100347.
  • Norton, L., Kazazian, K., Gofton, T., Debicki, D. B., Fernandezā€Espejo, D., Peelle, J. E., ... & Owen, A. M. (2023). Functional neuroimaging as an assessment tool in critically ill patients. Annals of Neurology, 93(1), 131-141.
  • Wild, C. J., Norton, L., Menon, D. K., Ripsman, D. A., Swartz, R. H., & Owen, A. M. (2022). Disentangling the cognitive, physical, and mental health sequelae of COVID-19. Cell Reports Medicine, 3(10), 100750.
  • Gofton, T. E., Norton, L., Laforge, G., Gibson, R., Debicki, D., Althenayan, E., ... & Slessarev, M. (2022). Cerebral cortical activity after withdrawal of lifeā€sustaining measures in critically ill patients. American Journal of Transplantation, 22(12), 3120-3129.
  • Kazazian, K., Norton, L., Laforge, G., Abdalmalak, A., Gofton, T. E., Debicki, D., ... & Owen, A. M. Improving Diagnosis and Prognosis in Acute Severe Brain Injury: A Multimodal Imaging Protocol. Frontiers in Neurology, 12, 757219
  • Dhanani, S., Hornby, L., van Beinum, A., Scales, N. B., Hogue, M., Baker, A., Beed, S., Boyd, G., Chandler, J., Chasse, M., D’Aragon., F., Dezfulian, C., Doi, C., Duska, F., Friedric, J., Gardiner, D., Gofton, T., Harvey, D., Herry, C., Isan, G, Karmer, A., Kutsogiannis, D., Maslove, D., Meade, M., Mehta, S., Munshi, L, Norton, L., Pagliaello, G., Ramsay, T., Rusinova, K.., Scales, D., Schmidt, M., Seeply, A., Shahin, J., Slessarev, M., So, D., Talbot, H., Van Mook, W., Waldauf, P., Weiss, M., Wind, J., & Shemie, S. D. (2021). Resumption of Cardiac Activity after Withdrawal of Life-Sustaining Measures. New England Journal of Medicine, 384(4), 345-352.
  • Duclos, C., Norton, L., Laforge, G., Frantz, A., Maschke, C., Badawy, M., Letourneau, J., Slessarev, M., Gofton, T., Debicki, D., Owen, A., Blain-Moraes, S. (2020). Protocol for the prognostication of consciousness recovery following a brain injury. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:582125. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2020.582125
  • Norton, L., Gibson, R.M., Gofton, T.E., Benson, C., Dhanani, S., Shemie, S.D., Hornby L., Ward, R., Young., G.B.  (2017). Electroencephalographic recordings during withdrawal of life sustaining therapy until thirty minutes after declaration of death. Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences. 44(2):139-145. doi: 10.1017/cjn.2016.309
  • Norton, L., Hutchison, R. M., Young, G. B., Lee, D. H., Sharpe, M. D., & Mirsattari, S. M. (2012). Disruptions of functional connectivity in the default mode network of comatose patients. Neurology, 78(3), 175–81.