Dr. Lynda Hutchinson

Dr. Lynda Hutchinson

Dr. Lynda Hutchinson

Program Coordinator/Associate Professor

Phone: 519-433-3491
Email: lhutch4@uwo.ca

Dr. Lynda Hutchinson is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at King’s University College. Dr. Hutchinson’s program of research employs qualitative and quantitative research methods to examine factors (e.g., parental stress, teacher stress, child-parent conflict) associated with students’ development of and engagement in self-regulation and self-regulation of/for learning (SRL) in home and school contexts. Dr. Hutchinson’s former undergraduate thesis students have designed studies examining different targets of young children’s self-regulation in school (e.g., emotion regulation, socially responsible self-regulation), university students’ cognitive strategies and self-regulated learning, and mindfulness and self-regulation. Dr. Hutchinson teaches Introductory Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychology, and the Honours Portfolio in Applied Psychology.


  • Young Children’s Self-Regulated Learning 
  • Mindfulness and Stress in Self-Regulated Learning 
  • Measuring Self-Regulated Learning 
  • Motivation and Procrastination in University Students 
  • Teacher/Parent Factors And Children’s SRL and Executive Functions 

Selected Publications

Selected contributions:

Ellis, W.E., Dumas, T., Hutchinson, L.R., & Talebi, S. (2022). "Staying safe or staying popular? Adolescents’ perceived popularity and reputation concerns as predictors of adherence and adjustment across the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic." Youth & Society.  

Hutchinson, L.R., Perry, N.E., & Shapka, J. D. (2021). "Assessing young children’s self-regulation in school contexts." Assessment In Education: Principles, Policy, & Practice, 25(5-6), 545-583.  

Binns, A., Hutchinson, L.R., & Cardy, J. (2019). "The speech-language pathologist’s role in supporting the development of self-regulation: A review and tutorial." Journal of Communication Disorders, 78, 1-17.  

Perry, N.E., Hutchinson, L.R., Yee, N., Määttä, E. (2017). "Advances in studying classrooms as contexts for supporting young children’s self-regulation and self-regulated learning." In D. Schunk & J. Greene (Eds.), Handbook of Self-Regulation of Learning and Performance (2nd ed). New York, NY: Routledge.