Dr. Kimberly Baltzer-Jaray

Dr. Kimberly Baltzer-Jaray

Dr. Kimberly Baltzer-Jaray


Phone: 519-433-3491
Email: kbaltzer@uwo.ca

I am an interdisciplinary scholar. I have been at King’s for just over 10 years. I have taught in three departments: Philosophy, Religious Studies, and Social Justice and Peace Studies (SJPS) (in the GSWS nested program). I am a founding member and president of The North American Society for Early Phenomenology (NASEP) and scientific advisory board member for the new journal of NASEP - Phenomenological Investigations, and an Associate Editor for the Journal of Camus Studies. I have worked on the phenomenology of Adolf Reinach for over 23 years. My other areas of expertise beyond phenomenology include existential philosophy (Albert Camus, Benjamin Fondane, Lev Shestov), the history of philosophy, gender theory, and tattoo history and culture. My current research explores the ontology of negation in Reinach's work, and I am also in the process of applying for a grant to work on LGBTQIA+ tattoo culture and history.


King’s University College Award for Excellence in Teaching for Part-Time Faculty, 2019


PhD, Philosophy – Wilfrid Laurier University (2007)

MA, Philosophy – University of Waterloo (2002) 

BAH, Philosophy – University of Guelph (2000)


Early phenomenology (German; Munich and Göttingen), existential theory, women in the history of philosophy, Austrian philosophy (Bolzano, School of Brentano), history of philosophy (metaphysics and epistemology; Leibniz, Hume, Kant, etc.), gender studies, hermeneutics, philosophy of psychology (Theodor Lipps), post-modern theory (Foucault), aesthetics.

Selected Publications

Forthcoming Works
  1. Collected Volumes:

‘Adolf Reinach’ in Encyclopedia of Phenomenology, Springer (To be published 2023)

‘Reinach and Leibniz: A Phenomenological Response’ for Husserl & Leibniz, Contributions to Phenomenology Series [Springer], edited by Iulian Apostolescu (To be published in late 2024)

‘Reinach’s Negative States of Affairs & The Role of Essence’ for The Essence of Phenomenology, Routledge Series in Phenomenology, edited by Till Grohmann (To be published in 2024)

‘Adolf Reinach, Negation, and Law’ for Reinach and the Foundations of Private Law, Cambridge University Press (To be published in 2024)


Doorway to The World of Essences: Adolf Reinach & The Early Phenomenological Movement, (Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG., 2009).

Editor for Volumes/Journals

(Guest Editor), ‘Husserl and the Göttingen Circle,’ Symposium: Journal of the Canadian Society for Continental Philosophy, Vol. 16, No. 2 (Fall 2012).

(Guest Editor), ‘Selected Papers on the Early Phenomenology of Munich and Göttingen,’Quaestiones Disputatae, Vol 3. No. 1 (Fall 2012).

Chapters in Refereed, Edited & Special Volumes

‘Revolt, Absurd and the Artist as Sisyphus’ in Albert Camus’s Myth of Sisyphus: 80 Years On, edited by Maciej Kaluza and Peter Francev, (Leiden: Brill, 2023); pp. 72 – 92.

‘Bogged Down in Ontologism and Realism: The Phenomenology of Adolf Reinach’ in The Idealism-Realism Debate Among Edmund Husserl’s Early Followers and Critics, Contributions to Phenomenology 112, Rodney K. B. Parker, ed. (Cham: Springer, 2021); pp. 151 – 171.

‘Camus and The History of Modern Western Philosophy’ in Brill’s Companion to Camus: Camus Among the Philosophers, (Leiden: Brill, 2020); pp. 69 – 90.

‘Phenomenological Approaches to the Uncanny & Divine: Adolf Reinach & Gerda Walther on Mystical Experience’ in Gerda Walther's Phenomenology of Sociality, Psychology, and Religion, Antonio Calcagno, ed. (New York: Springer, 2018); pp. 149 -167.

‘Phenomenological Jurisprudence: A Reinterpretation of Reinach’s Jahrbuch Essay’ in Phenomenology For The Twenty-First Century, J. Edward Hackett and J. Aaron Simmons, eds., (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016); pp. 117 – 137.

‘The Intentional Being of Justice and the Foreseen’ in Essays on Aesthetic Genesis, Charlene Elsby and Aaron Massecar, eds., (Lanham: University Press of America, 2016); pp. 65 – 76.

‘Reinach and Hering on Essence’ in Discipline Filosofiche XXVI, 1, 2016: Phenomenological Ontologies: Individuality, Essence, Idea. Simona Bertolini and Faustino Fabbianelli, editors; pp. 123 – 143.

‘Reinach's Phenomenology of Foreboding: Battlefield Notes, 1916-17’ in Early Phenomenology: Metaphysics, Ethics, and the Philosophy of Religion, Michael Kelly and Brian Harding, eds., (London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2016); pp. 67 – 85.

‘Chapter Four: Fallacies’ in Clear and Present Thinking: A Handbook in Logic and Rationality. (Northwest Passage Books, 2013); pp. 73 – 79. 

Refereed Articles

‘Reinach and Kantorowicz: Justice, Phenomenological Realism and the Free Law Movement’ in Acta Universitatis Lodziensis Folia Iuridica, Vol. 90 (2020). Tomasz Bekrycht, editor; 91 – 103.

‘Dark Authenticity: Being True to Yourself as Evil, Cruel, or Just a Giant Douchebag A***hole,’ in Journal of Camus Studies (2015); pp. 1 – 18.

‘Absurdism: The Second Truth of Philosophy,’ Journal of Camus Studies (2013); pp. 3 – 15.

‘The Wesen of Things, According to Reinach,’ Quaestiones Disputatae, Vol. 4 (Fall 2013); pp. 66 – 81.


Selections from Adolf Reinach’s ‘Fragments (Aufzeichnungen): Remarks on a Philosophy of Religion (Bruchstück einer religionsphilosophischen Ausführung)’ in Gerda Walther's Phenomenology of Sociality, Psychology, and Religion, edited by Antonio Calcagno, (New York: Springer, 2018); pp. 161 – 164.

Selections from Gerda Walther’s ‘Sturz in eine andere Welt,’ a chapter in Zum Anderen Ufer in Gerda Walther's Phenomenology of Sociality, Psychology, and Religion, edited by Antonio Calcagno, (New York: Springer, 2018); pp. 165 – 167.

‘Adolf Reinach’s Phenomenology of Forewarning’ in Philosophers at the Front: Phenomenology and The First World War, edited by Nicolas de Warren and Thomas Vongehr, (Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2018); pp. 250 – 265.

Adolf Reinach’s ‘The Ambiguity of the Concept of Essence’ 1912/1913 (Die Vieldeutigkeit des Wesensbegriffs) with commentary in The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy, Vol. XV 2017, (London: Routledge, 2018); pp. 299 – 303.

Adolf Reinach’s ‘A Phenomenology of Foreboding/Foreseeing’ (Zur Phänomenologie der Ahnungen) in Early Phenomenology: Metaphysics, Ethics, and the Philosophy of Religion, Michael Kelly and Brian Harding, eds., (London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2016); pp. 25 – 28.

Peer-Reviewed Work in Philosophy and Popular Culture

‘Kermit’s Rainbow Connection: The Lovers, The Dreamers, The Philosophers, and Me’ in Jim Henson and Philosophy: Imagination and the Magic of Mayhem, Timothy Dale and Joseph Foy, eds., (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2015); pp. 163 – 171.

‘Burtonology: Metaphysics, Essences, Christmas & Vincent Price’ in Philosophy of Tim Burton, Jennifer McMahon, ed., (Lexington: University Press Kentucky, 2014); pp. 151 – 167.

‘Heisenberg and Sisyphus: Accepting the Absurd and Becoming Authentic’ in Breaking Bad and Philosophy, David Koepsell, ed., (Chicago: Open Court Publishing Company, 2012); pp. 43 – 53.

‘Fleshy Canvas: The Aesthetics of Tattoos From Feminist and Hermeneutical Perspectives,’ Kimberly Baltzer-Jaray & Tanya Rodriguez in Tattoos: I Ink, Therefore I am, Robert Arp, ed., (New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012); pp. 38 – 50.

‘Modern Errors Concerning the Knowledge of The Laws of Inference,’ Kimberly Baltzer-Jaray and Robin Rollinger, trans., in Themes From Brentano, Denis Fisette and Guillaume Fréchette, eds., (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2013); pp. 501 – 524.

Magazine Articles
  1. Things & Ink Magazine (2012 – 2015):

Issue 1, The Launch Issue: ‘Old School for Girls’

Issue 2, The Face Issue: ‘Herstory: Her Face’ & ‘Herstory II: Her Face, A Commentary’
              Interview with Piiata Lauren Turi-Heenan

       Issue 3, The Love Issue: ‘How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Ink the Ways’

       Issue 4, The Art Issue: ‘Tattoo Styles:  Three Different Genres of Tattooing – Explained
                    Interviews with Benjamin Laukis, Evan Dowdell, & Rico Schinkel
                    Interview with Shanghai Kate Hellenbrand, Review of His Book: Sailor Jerry​â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹

       Issue 5, The Celebration Issue: ‘A Celebration of My Absurd Life’

       Issue 6, The Modification Issue: ‘A Celebration of My Absurd Life II’ & ‘Lived Experience Colours Me’

       Issue 7, The Identity Issue: ‘I am My Tattoos’

      Issue 8, The Illustration Issue: ‘Expressing the Illustrated Woman’
                    Interview with Vince Hemingson

       Issue 9, Stripped Back: ‘Absurdity & Touch’

       Issue 10, The Anatomy Issue: ‘Anatomy of a Body:  Philosophy Tattooed Anatomically’
                      Interview with Professor Richard Sawdon Smith

      Issue 11, The Fruity Issue: ‘Ignorant Style’
                     Interview with FUZI

      Issue 12, The Horror Issue: ‘Drawn to the Dark: Loving Things That Snarl and Say Boo’

(b) Tatuaż: CiaÅ‚o i Sztuka (2015 – 2017)
      Issue # 54: Interview with Dina Wuest

  1. ‘Love from a Camus Existential Perspective, as a Consequence of Living in an Absurd Universe’ Philosophy Crush Symposium on Love, April 2019.
  1. ‘Th’Inking Philosophically: A Conversation with Kimberly Baltzer-Jaray’ on Philosophy Crush, 30 December 2018.
Book Reviews

Iulian Apostolescu (Ed.), The Subject(s) of Phenomenology: Rereading Husserl, (Springer, 2020); in Phenomenological Reviews (12 October 2020)

Giuliano Bacigalupo, Hélène Leblanc (Eds.), Anton Marty and Contemporary Philosophy, (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019); in Phenomenological Reviews (11 August 2019)