Dr. Joseph Michalski

Dr. Joseph Michalski

Dr. Joseph Michalski


Phone: 519-433-3491
Email: jmichal2@uwo.ca

Dr. Michalski is the current King’s Research Excellence Chair (established career). He has taught at King’s since 2003, during which time he developed and launched the criminology program (2005), served as the Chair of the Department of Sociology (2011-2015), and has held the position of Associate Academic Dean (2016-2019). His main intellectual interests involve the development and testing of integrated theories of human aggression and violence.


  • Ph.D. in Sociology – University of Virginia
  • M.A. in Sociology – University of Virginia
  • B.A. in Sociology – George Mason University


Introduction to Sociology, Statistics for Sociology, Research Methods in Sociology, Crime and Society, Youth in Conflict with the Law, Sociology of Corrections, Sociology of Law, Hate Crimes, Violence in Cultural Perspective, Sociology of Terrorism, Crime and Deviance in the Workplace, Domestic Violence


Funded Studies in Progress

2023-2026: “The Canadian National Study of Adolescent Sibling Conflict, Aggression, and Bullying” (funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada).

2022-2025: “Couples’ Conflict Resolution Strategies: The Social Structure and Interpersonal Dynamics of Violent and Non-Violent Encounters” (funded by the King’s Research Excellence Fund).

Selected Publications

Recent Books

Michalski, Joseph H. 2022. . Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing ().

Michalski, Joseph H. (Editor). 2018. . Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers ().

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Book Chapters (2015-2023)

Michalski, Joseph H. 2023. “The Definitional and Methodological Challenges of Measuring Hate Crimes: Evaluating the Discrepancy between Official Statistics and Self-Report Data.” Forthcoming chapter in A Research Handbook on Hate Crime and Society, edited by James Hawdon.

Michalski, Joseph H. 2023. “Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes in the United States and Canada.” Forthcoming chapter in A Research Handbook on Hate Crime and Society, edited by James Hawdon.

Michalski, Joseph H., and Don Kerr. 2023. “Separation and Divorce: Examining the Fragmentation and Renewal of Families.” Pp. 112–139 in Canadian Families Today: New Perspectives, edited by Patrizia Albanese. Toronto: Oxford University Press.

Kerr, Don., and Joseph H. Michalski. 2023. “Family Poverty in Canada: Correlates, Coping Strategies, and Consequences.” Pp. 206–232 in Canadian Families Today: New Perspectives, edited by Patrizia Albanese. Toronto: Oxford University Press.

Michalski, Joseph H. 2022. “The Sociological Determinants of Scientific Bias.” Journal of Moral Education 51(1): 47–60.

Michalski, Joseph H. 2021. “An Integrated Theoretical Framework to Explain Interpersonal Moralistic Conflict.” Canadian Review of Sociology 58(3): 399–418.

Michalski, Joseph H. 2021. “Gendered Status Hierarchies among U.S. and Canadian Youth: Athletic Ability and Physical Attractiveness.” Pp. 41–58 in Body Studies in Canada: Critical Approaches to Embodied Experiences, edited by Valerie Zawilski. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.

Henriques, Gregg, and Joseph H. Michalski. 2020. “Defining Behavior and its Relationship to the Science of Psychology.” Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 54(2): 328–353.

Michalski, Joseph H. 2019. “Terrorism and Lethal Moralism in the United States and United Kingdom, 1970-2017.” British Journal of Sociology 70(5): 1681–1708.

Henriques, Gregg, Joseph Michalski, Steven Quackenbush, and Waldemar Schmidt. 2019. “The Tree of Knowledge System: A New Metatheoretical Map for Big History.” Journal of Big History III(4): 1–17.

Michalski, Joseph H. 2019. “The Challenge of Redefining the Imprisoned Self as an Artist: The Pedagogical Rituals of a Prison Arts Instructor.” The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice 58(1): 65–85.

Michalski, Joseph H. 2018. “A Post-Truth Predicament?” Pp. ix–xxiii in Sociological Theory, Methods, and Perspectives, edited by Joseph H. Michalski. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.

Michalski, Joseph H. 2018. “The Indolent Science.” Pp. 1–30 in Sociological Theory, Methods, and Perspectives, edited by Joseph H. Michalski. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.

Reynolds, Jennifer, and Joseph H. Michalski. 2018. “A Gendered Analysis of Violent Victimization: Theories, Methods, and Social Contexts.” Pp.121–158 in Sociological Theory, Methods, and Perspectives, edited by Joseph H. Michalski. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.

Michalski, Joseph H. 2017. “Status Hierarchies and Hegemonic Masculinity: A General Theory of Prison Violence.” British Journal of Criminology 57(1): 40–60.

Michalski, Joseph H. 2017. “Scientific Partisanship: The Social Geometry of Intellectual Support.” Canadian Review of Sociology 54(2): 147–173.

Michalski, Joseph H. 2017. “An Integrated Theory of Lethal Punishment: Social Geometry, Status Relationships, and the Dehumanization Process.” Comparative Sociology 16(2): 248–283.

Michalski, Joseph H. 2017. “The Cumulative Disadvantages of Socially Toxic Family Environments: A Comparison of Early Life Experiences of Incarcerated Men and University Students.” European Journal of Sociology and Anthropology 2(2): 1–16.

Michalski, Joseph H. 2017. “Mental Health Issues and the Canadian Criminal Justice System.” Contemporary Justice Review 20(1): 2–25.

Michalski, Joseph H., Tracy Cunningham, and Joe Henry. 2017. “The Diversity Challenge for Higher Education in Canada: The Prospects and Challenges of Increased Access and Student Success.” Humboldt Journal of Social Relations 39: 66–89.

Michalski, Joseph H. 2016. “The Epistemological Diversity of Canadian Sociology.” Canadian Journal of Sociology 41(4): 525–556.

Michalski, Joseph H. 2016. “The Sociological Usages of ‘Pure Sociology’: The Perpetual Quest to Establish Disciplinary Boundaries in the Pursuit of Academic Legitimacy.” The American Sociologist 47: 319–343.

Michalski, Joseph H. 2016. “Overcoming Sociological Naïveté in the Animal Rights Movement.” Theory in Action 9(1): 52–82.

Michalski, Joseph H. 2016. “Ritualistic Rape in Sociological Perspective.” Cross-Cultural Research 50(1): 3–33.

Michalski, Joseph H. 2016. “The Tyranny of the Majority: A Case Study of Intellectual Exclusion in Sociology.” Pp. 89–105 in What to Expect and How to Respond: Distress and Success in Academia, edited by Earl Wright II and Thomas C. Calhoun. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Michalski, Joseph H. 2015. “The Social Geometries of Rape.” Comparative Sociology 14(6): 751–789.