Dr. Ian Rae

Dr. Ian Rae

Dr. Ian Rae

Department Chair/Associate Professor

Phone: 519-433-3491
Email: irae@uwo.ca


  • 2019: Member of the three-person jury of the Gabrielle Roy Prize for the best book-length study in Canadian literary criticism ().
  • 2016: Moore Institute Fellow at the University of Ireland, Galway.
  • 2012: SSHRC Insight Development Grant for “Mapping Stratford Culture.” Principal Investigator. Co-investigator Sandra Smeltzer ($51,465).


  • Postdoc Canadian Literature McGill University
  • Ph.D. English University of British Columbia
  • M.A. English University of British Columbia
  • B.A. English Queen’s University


  • English 1020
  • English 2230
  • English 2501
  • English 3774


Canadian Literature, Poetics, Canadian Drama

Selected Publications

  • “Cunning Intelligence.” Anne Carson /Antiquity. Ed. Laura Jansen. London, UK: Bloomsbury, 2021. p.169-180.
  • “Rune and Riddle in Al Purdy’s ‘The Runners.’” An Echo in the Mountains: AlPurdy at One Hundred. Ed. Nicholas Bradley. Montreal: MQUP, 2020. 126-46.
  • “Alice Munro and the Huron Tract as a Literary Project.” Alice Munro Country: Essays on Her Works I. Ed. Tim Struthers. Guernica Editions, 2020. 181-206.
  • “Researcher Spotlight: Ian Rae.” King’s Peer Review (2018): 31-4.
  • “Stratford, Shakespeare, and John Davis Barnett.” Shakespeare and Canada: “remembrance of ourselves." Ed. Irena Makaryk and Kathryn Prince. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2017. 49-69
  • “Making and Remaking Canada.” King’s Cosmos: Intercultural/Intracultural Exchange. King’s University College (December 2017): 20-3.
  • “Voice and Biofiction in Michael Ondaatje’s The Collected Works of Billy the Kid.Truth and Beauty: Verse Biography in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Ed. Anna Jackson, Helen Rickerby, and Angelina Sbroma. Wellington, NZ: Victoria University Press, 2016. 53-74.
  • Rae, Ian and Sandra Smeltzer. “The Stratford Anomaly and Canadian Cultural Clusters.” Topia: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies 36 (Fall 2016): 127-50.
  • Rae, Ian and Jessica Thom. “The Rise and Fall of the Stratford International Film Festival.” Canadian Journal of Film Studies 25.1 (Fall 2016): 67-87.
  • “Alice Munro and the Huron Tract as a Literary Project.” The Inside of a Shell: Alice Munro's Dance of the Happy Shades. Ed. Vanessa Guignery. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015. 46-64.
  • “The Art of (Re)collecting: Bowering and the London Scene.” Bowering’s Books. Ed. Aurelea Mahood and Jenny Penberthy. Spec. Issue of Capilano Review 3.24 (2015), 4.
  • “The Stratford Festival and Canadian Cultural Nationalism.” Oxford Handbook of Canadian Literature. Ed. Cynthia Sugars. Toronto: Oxford UP, 2015. 386-402.
  • Sandra, Smeltzer and Ian Rae. “Chalk of Fame: A Symbiosis of New and Old Media.” Cultural Studies 28.4 (2014). 611-31.
  • “Converting ‘Failure’ in the Writings of Klein, Cohen, and Michaels.” Failure’s Opposite: Listening to A.M. Klein. Ed. Norman Ravvin and Sherry Simon. Montréal: McGill-Queen’s UP, 2011. 203-220.
  • “Verglas: ‘The Glass Essay’ by Anne Carson.” English Studies in Canada 37.3-4 (Fall 2011): 163-86.
  • “Runaway Classicists: Anne Carson and Alice Munro’s ‘Juliet’ Stories.” Journal of the Short Story in English. Spec. Issue on Alice Munro. Ed. Héliane Ventura. (Winter 2011): 141-56.
  • “The Case for Digital Poetics.” Canadian Literature 204 (Spring 2010): 134-7.
  • Guest Editor and Introduction. George Bowering: Bridges to Elsewhere. Spec. Issue of Open Letter (Fall 2010): 5-12.
  • “The Resurgence of Poetry in Jane Urquhart’s The Whirlpool.” Resurgence in Jane Urquhart’s Prose and Poetry. Ed. Marta Dvorak and Héliane Ventura. Brussels: Peter Lang, 2010. 43-62.
  • “Poetry, Drama, and the Postmodern Novel.” Cambridge History of Canadian Literature. Ed. Coral Ann Howells and Eva-Marie Kröller. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2009. 441-59.
  • “Literary Scenes in Canada.” Frühjahrsbuchwoche Katalog. Ed. Thomas Kraft. Landeshauptstadt München, Kulturreferat, 2008. 25-9. This book is an edited collection of short articles about Canadian literature, not a publisher’s catalogue. My article was republished on the website of the journal Canadian Literature:
  • ​​​“Two-Faced Propositions: Myth and Enigma in Anne Carson’s The Beauty of the Husband.” Into the Looking Glass Labyrinth: Myth and Mystery in Canadian Literature. Ed. Frank Davey and Héliane Ventura. Spec. Issue of Open Letter 13.2 (Spring 2007): 178-88.
  • “Suburbia on Trial: The Horror of Lynn Crosbie’s Paul’s Case.” New Canadian Fiction. Ed. Karis Shearer. Spec. Issue of Open Letter 11.6 (Summer 2005): 77-101.
  • “Prehistoric Modernity: The Architecture of Frank Gehry.” Interruptions: Essays in the Poetics/Politics of Space. Ed. Lorraina Pinnell. Famagusta, Turkey: Eastern Mediterranean P, 2003. 31-41.
  • “Anne Carson and the Solway Hoaxes.” Anne Carson. Ed. Kevin McNeilly. Spec. Issue of Canadian Literature 176 (Spring 2003): 45-65.
  • “‘Dazzling Hybrids’: The Poetry of Anne Carson.” Canadian Literature 166 (Autumn 2000): 17-41.