Dr. Hunter Knight

 Hunter Knight

Dr. Hunter Knight

Assistant Professor

Email: Hknight6@uwo.ca

Hunter Knight is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Childhood and Youth Studies. She
received a PhD in Social Justice Education from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at
the University of Toronto. Her research draws from childhood studies, education, and
anticolonial theory to examine how common-sense negotiations of childhood shape systemic
violence and everyday injustices against racialized and disabled children.

Her work examines these connections in historical documents, policy, and ethnographic research.
Previously, she has explored policy and curricula documents written by Egerton Ryerson and
done ethnographic research with Waldorf teachers and teacher educators. Her current research on
seclusion rooms in schools explores the racist and ableist logics of childhood that shape language
around seclusion in policy, news media, and social media.


  • CYS 2214: Introduction to Advocacy
  • CYS 3312: Research Methodologies for Life Worlds and Cultures
  • CYS 3370: A Right to Play
  • CYS 4414: Situating Child-Centred Practice


Childhood studies; theories of childhood and youth; coloniality of childhood; early childhood;
race and childhood; disability and childhood; colonialism and education; critical special
education; anticolonial theory.

Selected Publications

Knight, H. & Pomerantz, S. (Forthcoming). Time after time: A Childhood Studies without linear
temporality. Childhood. [Special issue: Childhood and temporality].

Knight, H. (2024). Histories of childhood and Man: Implications for childhood studies.
Childhood, 1-18. 

Knight, H. (2022). Where children naturally belong: Colonialism, space, and pedagogy in
Waldorf kindergartens. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 1–18.

Knight, H. (2019). Centering the problem child: Temporality, colonialism, and theories of the
child. Global Studies of Childhood, 9(1), 72–83.

Knight, H. (2019). Imagining institutions of Man: Constructions of the human in the foundations
of Ontario public schooling curriculum. Curriculum Inquiry, 49(1), 90–109.