Dr. Grigori Erenburg

Dr. Grigori Erenburg

Dr. Grigori Erenburg

Associate Professor

Phone: 519-433-3491
Email: gerenbur@uwo.ca


PhD  - Finance - State University of New York (SUNY) at Binghamton

MA  - Economics and Finance - State University of New York (SUNY) at Binghamton

BA - Economics and Mathematics - Novosibirsk State University


  • MOS 4310 - Advanced Corporate Finance
  • MOS 3310 - Finance for Management and Organizational Studies
  • MOS 3312 - Derivative Securities Markets


Market Microstructure, Investments, Derivatives, Financial Markets

Selected Publications

“Does Institutional Ownership Promote the Transformation of Underperforming Firms?” Quarterly Journal of Finance (with Janet K. Smith and Richard Smith), 2015.

“Do Marketing Media Have Life Cycles? The Case of Product Placement in Movies,” Journal of Marketing (with Ekaterina V. Karniouchina and Can Uslay), 2011.

“Electronic Limit Order Book And Order Submission Choice Around Macroeconomic News,” Review of Financial Economics (with Dennis Lasser), 2009.

 “Trading around macroeconomic announcements: Are all traders created equal?” Journal of Financial Intermediation (with Alexander Kurov and Dennis Lasser), 2006.

“Competition for Order Flow, Market Quality, and Price Discovery in the Nasdaq 100 Index Tracking Stock,” Journal of Financial Research (with Yiuman Tse), 2003.