Dr. Erin Hannah

Dr. Erin Hannah

Dr. Erin Hannah

Associate Dean of Research/Professor

Phone: 519-433-3491
Email: Erin.Hannah@kings.uwo.ca

Dr. Hannah’s research and teaching interests include global political economy, gender and trade, sustainable development, global governance, global civil society, the role of expert knowledge in global trade and innovative pedagogy. She has published extensively on these topics in Review of International Political Economy, Journal of International Economic Law, Globalizations, Journal of World Trade, World Trade Review, World Economy, Third World Quarterly, among others. She is co-editor of Expert Knowledge in Global Trade (Abingdon: Routledge, 2015), author of NGOs and Global Trade: Non-State Voices in EU Trade Policymaking (Abingdon: Routledge, 2016) and new editor of Global Political Economy, 7th Edition (Oxford: Oxford University Press, in press). She currently holds a SSHRC Insight Grant (with Silke Trommer and Adrienne Roberts at the University of Manchester) to examine gender mainstreaming in global trade governance and its implications for redressing inequality, exclusion, and disempowerment in the global economy. 

Dr. Hannah routinely advises governments and international organizations on developing equitable and inclusive trade policy and minimizing the adverse impacts of trade policy on equity-deserving groups including women, racialized people, LGBTQ2S+, Indigenous people, and those living with disabilities. She currently serves as an expert member of the World Trade Organization’s , Global Affairs Canada’s Gender and Trade Advisory Group and its Gender-Based Impact Assessment + Sub-Committee. 


  • Ph.D. University of Toronto
  • M.A. York University
  • B.A. (Hons) University of Toronto


Global Political Economy (GPE); gender; trade; sustainable development; expert knowledge; global governance; global civil society; innovative pedagogy