Dr. Corina Sandu

Dr. Corina Sandu

Dr. Corina Sandu

Program Coordinator/Associate Professor

Email: csandu@uwo.ca

Since 2018, Dr. Corina Sandu has been a dedicated professor in the French program at King’s. After having taught courses at the University of Toronto, McMaster University and Wilfrid Laurier University, Dr. Sandu has found at King’s the place to be, and a place to belong.

Dr. Sandu is also an Associate Member of Western’s School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (French Studies). She is the treasurer and secretary of the APFUCC (Association des professeur.e.s de français des universités et collèges canadiens).

Dr. Sandu’s areas of interest include:

19th-century French literature and culture; French Naturalist writers; Émile Zola; Second Empire and Napoléon III; Belle Époque; Cinema Adaptations – French literature into films; Discourse analysis; Semiotics and sociocriticism; Correspondance in 19th Century-France; Colonial Press – Indochina before 1900.


  • FR 1910 University French, level I
  • FR 2605, 2606 Reading Literature in French (Medieval Times to 21st Century)
  • FR 3690 Culture and Literature in Society: France in the 19th Century
  • FR 3691 19th-Century Novels into Films (special topics)
  • FR 3691 Correspondance in 19th-Century Society (special topics)
  • FR 3700 Approaches to Literary Readings
  • FR 4900 Advanced Grammar


  • The Beginnings of the Francophone Press in French Colonial Indochina
  • The Poetics of Self and Otherness in the Letters of Naturalist Writers

Selected Publications

“Le discours médiatique transatlantique avant 1900 : l’exemple de la première tournée de Sarah Bernhard en Amérique”, (forthcoming in) Nineteenth-Century French Studies vol. 52, nos. 1–2, Fall–Winter 2023–2024.

“L’altérité et ses limites dans le réseau épistolaire des écrivains naturalistes”, in Revue d’études françaises, Centre Universitaire ELTE Budapest, no. 26/2023, pp. 65-72.

“ Le chroniqueur… est une chroniqueuse ” : les Françaises dans la presse d’Indochine avant 1900, (online, April 2023), HAL Open Science,

“Le Projet Molière, ou les quatre P en cours de FLE en 2020: Pandémie, Performance, Portfolio, Peer feedback”, in Romero, Elena & Bobkina, Jelena & Herrrero, Carmen & Radoulska, Svetlana & Vanderschelden, Isabelle, Visual literacy and digital communication: The role of media in new educational practices, Granada, Editorial Comares, 2022, pp. 61-76

“Espace confiné et imaginaire littéraire : le journal intime d’écrivains en temps de crise”, in Dalhousie French Studies, special issue L’espace à travers l’imaginaire littéraire, ed. Sanda Badescu, no. 122, Fall 2022, pp. 41-50

“Rumeur publique et voix des lecteurs dans le discours de la presse sur le vêtement au XIXe siècle”, in Le Monde français Du Dix-huitième siècle, vol. 6, náµ’ 2, décembre 2021, https://doi.org/10.5206/mfdsecfw.v6i2.14511