Dr. Brennan Vogel

 Brennan Vogel

Dr. Brennan Vogel


Phone: 519-433-3491
Email: bvogel@uwo.ca


  • PhD, Geography, University of Western Ontario, 2016
  • MA, International Development Studies, Saint Mary’s University, 2011
  • BES, Environment and Resource Studies, University of Waterloo, 2003


  • GEO 1100: The Fundamentals of Geography (2019 - )


  • Climate change adaptation and mitigation; Indigenous communities; municipalities; governance

Selected Publications

Vogel, B., Yumagulova, L., and McBean, G. (2022). Indigenous-Led Nature-Based Solutions for the Climate Crisis: Insights from Canada. Sustainability.

Vogel, B. & Bullock, R. (2020). Institutions, Indigenous peoples and climate change adaptation in the Canadian Arctic. GeoJournal.

Vogel, B. Henstra, D. & McBean, G. (2018). Sub-national government efforts to activate and motivate local climate change adaptation: Nova Scotia, Canada. Journal of Environment Development and Sustainability. p.1-21.

Vogel, B., & Henstra, D. (2015). Studying local climate adaptation: a framework for comparative policy analysis. Global Environmental Change: 31, 110–120.