Dr. Brian Patton

Dr. Brian Patton

Dr. Brian Patton

Associate Professor

Phone: 519-433-3491
Email: bpatton@uwo.ca


BA - St. Jerome’s University
MA  - University of Western Ontario
PhD  - University of Western Ontario


Popular fiction and film; British literature and culture since 1945; the spy thriller; comics and graphic novels

Selected Publications

“M, 007, and the Challenge of Female Authority in the Bond Franchise.”  For His Eyes Only:  The Women of James Bond.  Ed. Lisa Funnell. Forthcoming (in September 2015) from Wallflower/Columbia University Press.

“Derek Flint, Matt Helm, and the Playboy Spy of the 1960s.”  James Bond and Popular Culture:  Essays on the Influence of the Fictional Superspy. Ed.Michele Brittany. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2014. 209-29.

“The Warner Brothers.”  100 Entertainers Who Changed America:  An Encyclopedia of Pop Culture Luminaries.  2 vols. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2013. 602-9.

“Shoot Back in Anger:  Bond and ‘The Angry Young Man.’” Ian Fleming and James Bond: The Cultural Politics of 007.  Ed. Edward P. Comentale, Stephen Watt & Skip Willman.  Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2005. 144-57.​​​​