Dr. Benjamin Muller

Dr. Benjamin Muller

Dr. Benjamin Muller


Phone: 519-433-3491
Email: bmuller@uwo.ca

Dr. Muller has published widely in books and academic journals on issues of borders, sovereignty, security, surveillance, and biometrics, including two monographs: Security, Risk, and the Biometric State: Governing Borders and Bodies (Routledge 2010); and, with Samer Abboud, Rethinking Hizballah: Legitimacy, Authority, Violence (Ashgate 2012). Consulted as an expert witness on several Canadian Parliamentary committees and an invited researcher, collaborator, and guest speaker to NATO/European Science Foundation initiatives, INTERPOL and the World Customs Organization, Dr. Muller has also held visiting research fellowships at the Border Policy Research Institute at Western Washington University, the Confluencenter for Creative Inquiry at the University of Arizona, and the Centre for Global Studies at the University of Victoria. Dr. Muller has given numerous guest lectures at Universities and Colleges, as well as participated in community stakeholder initiatives on borders, security, technology, and ethics, in Canada, the US, and Europe. Dr. Muller served as the President of the International Studies Association (Canada Region 2015-2016), was a Member of the Board of Directors for the Association for Borderlands Studies (2012-2015) and has served as an active member of the KUC Faculty Association executive in various capacities for nearly a decade.

Successfully garnering internal and external research funding for more than twenty years, Dr. Muller is currently a co-investigator with Dr. Mutlu (Acadia), led by Dr. Frowd (Ottawa), on the SSHRC Insight Grant Securing the Border with Data: Canada’s Expanding Digital Frontier (2022-2025).


  • B.A. – University of Victoria
  • M.A. – University of Victoria
  • PhD – Queen’s University Belfast (2005)


In addition to serving as Coordinator of the interdisciplinary Minor in Migration and Border Studies, Dr. Muller teaches courses on migration and borders in the Social Justice and Peace Studies Department, as well as surveillance studies seminars in the Department of Sociology.


Borders and Borderlands; Critical Security Studies; International Political Sociology; Surveillance Studies

Selected Publications

A full listing of publications is at .