Dr. Imants Baruss

Dr. Imants Baruss

Dr. Imants Baruss


Phone: 519-433-3491
Email: baruss@uwo.ca

Dr. Barušs is a professor in the Department of Psychology at King’s University College. With expertise in consciousness studies, Professor Barušs teaches undergraduate courses about consciousness, altered states of consciousness, and the psychology of religion and spirituality. His current research is concerned with apparent after-death communication with cell phones. He regularly supervises undergraduate theses in psychology, many of which have been presented at conferences and published in academic journals. He is the author of eight books and more than 80 papers and reviews, and he has given or co-authored over 100 presentations at conferences and universities around the world. Dr. Barušs is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Scientific Exploration, a Consulting Editor of the Psychology of Consciousness, and a member of the New York Academy of Sciences, the Society for Scientific Exploration, and the Society for Consciousness Studies, which he co-founded.

Learn more about Dr. Barušs at .


  • Ph.D., Psychology, University of Regina
  • M.Sc., Mathematics, University of Calgary
  • B.Sc., New Program, University of Toronto 


  • Altered States of Consciousness (Psych 2011A/B)
  • Consciousness (Psych 3177F)
  • Altered States of Consciousness: Selected Topics (Psych 3120G)
  • Psychology of Religion and Spirituality: Selected Topics (Psych 3772G)

Recipient of the King’s University College Award of Excellence in Teaching for Full-Time Faculty, 2003–04


  • Post-materialist theories of consciousness
  • Instrumental transcommunication
  • The psychology of self-development

Selected Publications

  • Barušs, I. (2023).  Washington, DC: American Psychological Association
  • Barušs, I. (2021). . Exeter, UK: Imprint Academic
  • Barušs, I. (2020). . Washington, DC: American Psychological Association
  • Barušs, I. & Mossbridge, J. (2017). . Washington, DC: American Psychological Association
  • Barušs, I. (2013). . Alresford, Hampshire, UK: John Hunt Publishing
  • Barušs, I. (2007). . Exeter, UK: Imprint Academic.
  • Barušs, I. (2003). . Washington, DC: American Psychological Association
  • Barušs, I. (1996). . West Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue University Press
  • Barušs, I. (1990). . Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America
  • Thomas, K., & Barušs, I. (2022). Psychological characteristics and state integration of a persistent altered state of consciousness following an eighteen week self-development course. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice, 9(4), 379–405. [publisher's version: ; open access version: ]
  • Braude, S. E., Barušs, I., Delorme, A., Radin, D., Wahbeh, H. (2022). *Not* so fast: A response to Augustine's critique of the BICS contest. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 3(2), 399–411. [open access: ]
  • Kadler, G., Vasudev, A., Ionson, E., & Barušs, I. (2022). Unintended deviations of a random event generator by patients with late life depression and anxiety during a direct mental influence task. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 210(4), 282–289. [publisher's web page for paper: ; open access version: 
  • Barušs, I. (2022). Reflections on writing about death. EdgeScience, 49, 12–15. [open access:]
  • Collesso, T., Forrester, M., & Barušs, I. (2021).The effects of meditation and visualization on the direct mental influence of random event generators. Journal of Scientific Exploration 35(2), 313–346. [open access: ]
  • Peckham, S. B., Ionson, E., Nassim, M., Ojha, K., Palaniyappan, L., Gati, J., Thebérge, J., Lazosky, A., Speechley, M., Barušs, I., Rej, S., & Vasudev, A. (2019). Sahaj Samadhi meditation vs a Health Enhancement Program in improving late-life depression severity and executive function: Study protocol for a two-site, randomized controlled trial. Trials, 20(1), 605. doi:10.1186/s13063-019-3682-z [open access: ]
  • Barušs, I. (2019). Categorical modelling of conscious states. Consciousness: Ideas and Research for the Twenty-First Century, 7(7), 1–10. [open access: ]
  • Barušs, I. (2018). Meaning fields: Meaning beyond the human as a resolution of boundary problems introduced by nonlocality. EdgeScience, 35, 8–11. [open access ]
  • Schwartz, G. E., Woollacott, M., Schwartz, S., Barušs, I., Beauregard, M., Dossey, L., Kafatos, M., Miller, L., Mossbridge, J., Radin, D, & Tart, C. (2018). The Academy for the Advancement of Postmaterialist Sciences: Integrating Consciousness into Mainstream Science, Explore, 14(2), 111–113.
  • Barušs, I. & Mossbridge, J. (2018). Mind-boggling chicks. Response to Broderick. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 32(1), 159–160.
  • Schwartz, G. E., Woollacott, M., Schwartz, S., Barušs, I., Beauregard, M., Dossey, L., Kafatos, M., Miller, L., Mossbridge, J., Radin, D, & Tart, C. (2018). The Academy for the Advancement of Postmaterialist Sciences: Integrating Consciousness into Mainstream Science, Explore, 14(2), 111–113.
  • Barušs, I. (2018). Meaning fields: Meaning beyond the human as a resolution of boundary problems introduced by nonlocality. EdgeScience, 35, 8–11.
  • Barušs, I. (2017). Consciousness: Where we are at. Consciousness: Ideas and Research for the Twenty First Century, 2(5), 1–7.
  • Barušs, I., van Lier, C., & Ali, D. (2014). Alterations of consciousness at a self-development seminar: A Matrix Energetics seminar survey. Journal of Consciousness Exploration and Research, 5(11), 1064–1086.
  • Barušs, I. (2014). A vision for the Society for Consciousness Studies. Journal of Consciousness Exploration and Research, 5(6) 551–555. [Guest Editorial]
  • Barušs, I. (2014). Questions about interacting with invisible intelligences. EdgeScience 18, 18–19.
  • Barušs, I. (2014). Rethinking the inevitability of aging. Hypnology: The Journal of Hypnosis and Consciousness Exploration, 3, 39–41.
  • Barušs, I. & Rabier, V. (2014). Failure to replicate retrocausal recall. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice, 1(1), 82–91.
  • Barušs, I. (2014). The politics of science. Hypnology: The Journal of Hypnosis and Consciousness Exploration, 2, 37–38. [Extract from Science as a Spiritual Practice]
  • Barušs, I. (2013). Learning to forget: Deprogramming as a precondition for the occurrence of non-dual states of consciousness. Journal of Consciousness Exploration and Research, 4(8), 816–832.
  • Barušs, I., & Woodrow, R. (2013). A reduction theorem for the Kripke-Joyal semantics: Forcing over an arbitrary category can always be replaced by forcing over a complete Heyting algebra. Logica Universalis, 7(3), 323–334. (DOI: 10.1007/s11787-013-0084-y)
  • Barušs, I. (2013). A list of alterations of consciousness. Hypnology: The Journal of Hypnosis and Consciousness Exploration, 1, 20–22. [Extract from “What we can learn about consciousness from altered states of consciousness”]
  • Barušs, I. (2012). [On the study of consciousness.] Existentia: psihologija i psihoterapija 5, 88–113. (Russian-language journal)
  • Barušs, I. (2012). What we can learn about consciousness from altered states of consciousness. Journal of Consciousness Exploration and Research, 3(7), 805–819. [open access: 
  • Bal, M. & Barušs, I. (2011). Perceived parental attachment and achievement motivation. Psychological Reports, 109(3), 940–948.
  • Barušs, I. (2011). Speculations about the direct effects of intention on physical manifestation. In S. Kak (Ed.), Quantum physics of consciousness. Cosmology Science Publishers. [reprinted from Journal of Cosmology]
  • Barušs, I. (2010). Beyond scientific materialism: Toward a transcendent theory of consciousness. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 17(7-8), 213–231.
  • Barušs, I. (2009). Speculations about the direct effects of intention on physical manifestation. Journal of Cosmology, 3, 590–599. [open access: ]
  • Barušs, I. (2008). Quantum mind: Conscious intention in the context of quantum mechanics. Dydaktyka Literatury, 28, 31–40. 
  • Barušs, I. (2007). Franklin Wolff’s mathematical resolution of existential issues. Journal of Scientific Exploration 21(4), 751–756. 
  • Barušs, I. (2007). An experimental test of instrumental transcommunication. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 21(1), 89–98.
  • Barušs, I. (2007). Extraordinary aspects of reality in altered states of consciousness. In A. Eisen and G. Laderman (Eds.), Science, religion, and society: An encyclopedia of history, culture, and controversy (pp. 575–583). Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe.
  • Barušs, I. (2006). Quantum theories of consciousness. Baltic Journal of Psychology, 7(1), 39–45.
  • Lukey, N. & Barušs, I. (2005). Intelligence correlates of transcendent beliefs: A preliminary study. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 24(3), 259–270.
  • Woods, K. & Barušs, I. (2004). Experimental test of possible psychological benefits of past-life regression. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 18(4), 597–608.
  • Barušs, I. (2001). Failure to replicate electronic voice phenomenon. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 15(3), 355–367.
  • Heintz, L. & Barušs, I. (2001). Spirituality in late adulthood. Psychological Reports, 88, 651–654.
  • Barušs, I. (2001). The art of science: Science of the future in light of alterations of consciousness. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 15(1), 57–68.
  • Jewkes, S. & Barušs, I. (2000). Personality correlates of beliefs about consciousness and reality. Advanced Development: A Journal on Adult Giftedness, 9, 91–103.
  • Barušs, I. (2000). Transition to transcendence: Franklin Merrell-Wolff’s mathematical yoga. Integralis: Journal of Integral Consciousness, Culture, and Science, 1(0). Retrieved September 14, 2000, from the World Wide Web: http://rocky.unca.edu/~combs/IntegralAge/Wolff.htm
  • Barušs, I. (2000). Psychopathology of altered states of consciousness. Journal of Baltic Psychology, 1(1), 12–26.
  • Barušs, I. (2000). Overview of consciousness research. Informatica: An International Journal of Computing and Informatics, 24(2), 269-273.