Dr. Ana Ning

Dr. Ana Ning

(on sabbatical)

Dr. Ana Ning

Associate Professor

Phone: 519-433-3491
Email: aning@uwo.ca


B.A., M.A., Ph.D. - York University 


Sociology 2270A - Foundations of Social Theory
Sociology 2271B - Survey of Contemporary Theory
Sociology 2240E - Survey of Sociological Theory
Sociology 3304F - The Experience of Health and Illness
Sociology 3337G - Technology and Social Change
Sociology 3370G - Understanding Medical Diversity
Sociology 3371F - Global Health and Human Rights
Sociology 4440F - Social Worlds of Drugs and Addiction


  • Conventional Addiction Treatment and Harm Reduction Interventions
  • Integration of Complementary/Alternative Medicine (CAM) and Mainstream Health Care
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Issues of Evidence Based Medicine

Selected Publications

(2022) A. Ning & R. Csiernik: “Canadian Government Discourses on the Overdose Death Crisis:  Limitations of a Bio-evidenced Approach” in Drugs, Habits and Social Policy, Vol. 23, No. 1: 62-78. DOI: 10.1108/DHS-03-2022-0012. 
(2022) A. Ning & R. Csiernik: “Why Has the Opioid Crisis Remained Unchanged in Canada? The  Limits of Bio-Scientific Based Policies” in Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions.  DOI: 10.1080/1533256X.2022.2071822.
(2021) “The Myth of Healthiness: Rethinking the Boundaries between Healthy Selves and Unhealthy Others in Drug Addiction Treatment” in V. Zawilski (ed.): Body Studies in Canada: Critical Approaches to Embodied Experiences., Chapter 9: 144-168. Toronto: Canadian Scholar’s Press. 
(2018) "How Holistic is Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM): Examining Self-Responsibilization in CAM and Biomedicine in a Neoliberal Age” in Medical Research Archives, vol. 6, issue 5: 1-11.
(2018) “Epistemic Hybridity: TCM’s Knowledge Production in Canadian Contexts” in  C.Brosnan, P. Vuolanto and J-A.Darnell (eds.): Complementary and Alternative Medicine:  Knowledge Production and Social Transformation., Chapter 10: 247-272. London: Palgrave MacMillan, Science, Technology and Society Series. ISBN 978-3-319-73938-0.
(2017) "Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners' Constructions of 'Hard' and 'Soft' Evidence in the Treatment of Fertility Issues: Opportunities and Challenges" in M. C. Torri and J. Hornosty (eds.): Complementary, Alternative and Traditional Medicine: Prospects and Challenges for Women's Reproductive Health, Chapter 13. Toronto: Canadian Scholar's Press/Women's Press. ISBN: 9781551309187.
(2017) "Embodied Sites, Gendered Spaces: Implications of Ethnographic Work at 'Home'" in The International Journal of Diverse Identities, Vol. 16(1): 19-34.
(2016) Review of "Ethics of Recommending Natural Health Products as Physicians" by A. Cappelletti and M. Greenacre in Ethics and Law: UWO Medical Journal 85(1): 20-22.
(2013): "How 'Alternative' is CAM? Rethinking Conventional Dichotomies between Biomedicine and Complementary/Alternative Medicine": Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine. Volume 17: 135-158.
(2011): "Fluid Boundaries: Conventional and Complementary/Alternative Medicine Examined": The International Journal of Health, Wellness and Society. Volume 1(2): 161-176.
(2008) “‘What’s Normal? I Don’t Fit Either the Street or Straight World!’: An Ethnographic Account of Heroin Users in Methadone Treatment”: The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. Volume 2(5): 223-232.
(2008) “Paradoxes of Integrative Health Care: The Question of Legitimate Evidence Bases”. The International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations. Volume 7(6): 237-248.
(2006) “Exploring the Role of Language Games Approaches in Empirical Ethnography”: The International Journal of the Humanities. Volume 2(2): 1111-1120.
(2005) “Games of Truth: Rethinking Conformity and Resistance in Narratives of Heroin Recovery”. Medical Anthropology: Cross-Cultural Studies in Health and Illness. Volume 24(4): 349-382.