Dr. Adian McFarlane

Dr. Adian McFarlane

(on sabbatical)

Dr. Adian McFarlane

Associate Professor

Phone: 519-433-3491
Email: amcfar22@uwo.ca

Selected Publications

  • (2023). McFarlane, A., Das, A., Brown, L. &. Campbell, K. Is the impact of financial development on energy consumption in Jamaica asymmetric? International Journal of Energy Sector Management. 17(4), 677-692.
  • (2022).  McFarlane, A., Das, A., & Brown, L. Real exchange rates and remittance inflows in Jamaica.  The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development.31(8), 1224-1242. https://doi.org/10.1080/09638199.2022.2072938   
  • (2021). Campbell, K., McFarlane, A., &. Das, A. On the Use of Exchange Rate Models in Damage Compensation Calculations. The Earnings Analyst. 17.2, 16-34.    
  • (2020). Buchanan, T., McFarlane, A., & Das, A. Gender Differences in Within-Couple Influences on Work-Family Balance Satisfaction: When Benefits Become Threats. Journal of Family Studies, 26(1),106-125.
  • (2019).  Das, A., &. McFarlane, A. Non-Linear Dynamics of GDP, Electricity Consumption, and Electric Power Losses in Jamaica. Energy Economics. 84(October, 104530)    
  • (2018). Buchanan, T., McFarlane, A., &. Das, A. Educational Attainment and the Gender Gap in Childcare in Canada: A Decomposition Analysis. Margin: The Journal of Applied Economic Research, 12(4), 458-476.