Apr 5, 2019
An award-winning night for King's student-athletes at the 2019 Mustang Athletic Gala
As part of the 2019 Mustang Athletic Gala, held on April 2, 2019 King’s student-athletes receive team MVP awards, Purple Blanket, and F.W.P. Jones Trophy.
Jan 24, 2019
Student making headlines as Alzheimer's spokesperson
Ron Robert's story of going back to school at King's and working with the Alzheimer Society of Canada as part of a national campaign has been picked up by many local and area media outlets. -
Jan 11, 2019
Classroom helps student recover past, fight future
King's student Ron Robert discusses his past as a journalist and his present, going back to school and being an advocate for those living with Alzheimer's. -
Nov 22, 2018
Jesse's Journey hits landmark year
Dr. Jeff Preston of Disability Studies appeared on CTV London News, discussing the 20th anniversary and a fundraising landmark for John Davidson’s walk across Canada as part of Jesse’s Journey.
Nov 12, 2018
Against all odds: the road to patient advocacy
Dr. Jeff Preston, Professor of Disability Studies, was featured in an article of Inside on London Health Sciences Centre's website. -
Sep 21, 2018
King's well-represented on Regional Winners list at Undergraduate Awards
King’s congratulates Domonic McDonald and Wyatt Merkley,’17, for being named as Regional Winners in the prestigious 2018 Undergraduate Awards based in Ireland.
Sep 14, 2018
Inspiring and inspired mature student and advocate for Living with Alzheimer's
Ron Robert has come to King’s to take political science and disability studies, two subjects of great personal interest to him.
Sep 13, 2018
Welcoming students to the department of Interdisciplinary Programs
Department of Interdisciplinary Programs held their first student welcome event.
Sep 11, 2018
King's Professor: 'Me' attitude toward government limits accessibility
Dr. Jeff Preston, Professor of Disability Studies, has written an op-ed piece, published in The London Free Press, that argues "(i)f a program or service does not appear to benefit us directly, we dub it a waste of time and money. We’ve shifted from a government for the people to a government for 'me.'" -
Sep 7, 2018
Research Recognized
Four members of the King’s community win Highly Commended designation by The Undergraduate Awards.
Aug 29, 2018
King's professor calls home improvement funding a "welcomed change"
Dr. Jeff Preston, Professor of Disability Studies, spoke to the London Free Press about the Ontario Renovates program, which provides loans for home repairs to low-to-moderate income seniors and people with disabilities.
Apr 6, 2018
King's student selected to speak at peace conference
A fourth year Social Justice and Peace Studies and Disability Studies student has been selected to present at the 2018 Notre Dame Student Peace Conference. -
Mar 5, 2018
MPP chats with Disability Studies students
The Honourable Tracy MacCharles addressed students in DS3311 via Skype. -
Feb 13, 2018
Dr. Jeff Preston delivers keynote address at staff conference
Disability Studies Professor, Dr. Jeff Preston, presented to Motion Specialties staff and management about the ways perceptions of normalcy impact service delivery. -
Feb 12, 2018
Disability Studies students work with people with intellectual disabilities
A new Disability Studies course allows students to use their lived experience to identify limits to DS models as they learn with and from disabled participants. -
Feb 12, 2018
King's students on Mustangs' squash team celebrate victory
The Men's squash team (which includes 5 King's students) captured their 35th consecutive OUA Championship on Sunday afternoon. The Women's team brought home bronze. -
Feb 11, 2018
King's wrestlers earn bronze medals
King’s students, Caleb Rutner and Michalia Walls, each brought home bronze medals from the OUA Wrestling Championships.
Feb 7, 2018
King's Disability Studies major wins Silver at OUA Championships
Nathan Lethbridge (Major in Disability Studies) and 3 other Mustangs win Silver for the 200m Freestyle Relay at OUA Championships. -
Feb 5, 2018
King's Dance Company is here!
The newest club on campus is the King’s Dance Company. Auditions happen this week.
Nov 24, 2017
New cafe gets a name
The winning name for the fairtrade café in the Student Life Centre has been chosen.