Jun 3, 2022
In Memory of the Afzaal Family
King’s University College, as a place that does not tolerate hate and racism, will be marking the one-year anniversary of the deaths of members of the Afzaal family by lowering our flags to half-mast on Monday, June 6. -
Jun 2, 2022
Books share universal story of what we can all become
Three books by Trinidadian-born author Grace Ibrahima, including two memoirs and a third, a collaboration with Dr. Rick Csiernik of the School of Social Work, will be available through the King’s Library. -
Jun 2, 2022
Dr. Bendo helps in call for Children's Commissioner
Dr. Daniella Bendo of King’s Childhood and Youth Studies applied her knowledge of children’s rights and advocacy as lead on an initiative and report calling for the development of a Children’s Commissioner in Canada.
Jun 1, 2022
Alumna honoured for work in Indigenous health care
Nicole Yawney ’21 was recently awarded the Children’s Miracle Network Canadian Impact Award for her efforts as the Indigenous Youth Wellness Consultant for Children’s Hospital at London Health Sciences Centre.
May 26, 2022
King's strengthens gender-based sexual violence policy
King’s has updated our gender-based sexual violence policy with a number of strategies to address issues of gender-based sexual violence in our community and on campus. -
May 19, 2022
Faculty to be recognized for their excellence in teaching
Dr. Sam Frankel will be honoured for full-time faculty and Dr. Oleksa Drachewych will be recognized for part-time faculty as recipients of the 2022 King's Awards of Excellence in Teaching. -
May 18, 2022
The power of place: the impact of experiential learning for King's history students
King’s History students travelled to Belgium and France as Juno Beach Centre Fellows where they engaged with contested historical memorials and battlefields in an experiential learning trip.
May 9, 2022
History trip attracts media attention
As they visited Belgium and Europe, the students enrolled in The World Wars in History, Memory, and Reconciliation attracted the attention of media outlets back home. -
May 9, 2022
King's student-athletes take next step in pursuing football dreams
Three King’s students-athletes were selected in the 2022 Canadian Football League draft. -
May 4, 2022
King's will provide gender-based and sexual violence prevention training
King’s, Huron and Brescia University Colleges are launching mandatory gender-based sexual violence prevention training for all student leaders and incoming first-year students.
Apr 29, 2022
Celebrating three years of research excellence
King’s faculty members were honoured for their research as part of the Faculty Research Celebration, held at Museum London on April 22, 2022. -
Apr 26, 2022
Dr. Malloy supports research advancement by example
Dr. David Malloy, King’s President, has been awarded two research grants totalling $247,000 from the Government of Alberta to continue his research focus on moral injury among first responders.
Apr 21, 2022
King's to extend masking and vaccination requirements
Dr. David Malloy, King's President, sent out a message to our community that King's will join Western and the other affiliates, Brescia and Huron, and continue to require three-layer non-medical masks and adherence to our vaccination policy for all people who study, work, live on, and visit our campus until the end of June. -
Apr 20, 2022
King's students help design a better tomorrow for London
As part of CityStudio’s HUBBUB on April 21, King’s Psychology students will be displaying research on three different projects, each designed to make London more liveable, sustainable and joyful.
Apr 13, 2022
Dr. Tieku honoured for dedication to students
Dr. Thomas Tieku, Associate Professor of Political Science, received a Teaching Excellence Award from the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance. He was nominated by his students for his dedication that has been called “life changing” for many individuals.
Apr 7, 2022
Program offers students a day in the life of their dream careers
The King’s Job Shadow program offers students the opportunity to see what their future career might look like and gain experience to complement the skills they have learned in class.
Apr 6, 2022
King's student-athletes honoured at Mustangs Awards
Deionte Knight, Mustangs Male Athlete of the Year, was one of several King’s student-athletes to receive an award as part of the 81st Mustangs Awards. -
Apr 6, 2022
Communication Preferences Survey
Members of the King’s community who complete the 2022 King’s Communication Preferences Survey will be eligible to win a swag pack.