Nov 11, 2013
Cardinal Carter Library War Memorabilia Display
Cardinal Carter Library has on display an impressive collection of war memorabilia collected by Martha Gordon, Information Services Assistant, Research.
Nov 8, 2013
King's Entrance award scholars recognized
King’s recognized Entrance award scholars on November 7 with a reception and presentation of certificates
Oct 4, 2013
King鈥檚 student reaches new heights on Mt Kilimanjaro
Fourth year English student Kayla Brown makes the climb for diabetes
Oct 1, 2013
Welcome Visiting Professors Ms. Yingqi (Lillian) Lian and Dr. Yingyi Li
King's International hosted a welcome lunch for our visiting professors from China
Sep 6, 2013
Classrooms set to open in the Darryl J. King Student Life Centre on Monday
Entrance to classrooms will be off parking lot 3
Aug 26, 2013
Bahamian student and mother team up for International Bridging Week
BMOS student Rena Mortiner is one of the Bridging Week Assistants that welcome international students to King's
Aug 23, 2013
King's English students take off to South Korea for year long exchange
Alysia Lewis and Kajol Ratanjankar, both in 2nd year English, are spending the next year at Yeungnam University through King's exchange program
Aug 23, 2013
Orientation Week
Orientation Week starts September 2nd!
Aug 15, 2013
King鈥檚 student goes off the grid for Summer Experiment
King’s second-year Psychology student David Pope and his roommate Stephen Szucs are showing us it is possible to live off the grid this summer
Aug 6, 2013
Jeremy Stephen Bowley's Celebration of Life
Celebrate the life of King's student Jeremy Stephen Bowley on August 8 from 6pm-9pm at Bellamere Event Centre
Aug 2, 2013
King's welcomed students from Brazil and Russia for Model UN
Hosted by Nancy Campbell Collegiate Institute, ESL students joined us on July 31 and August 2
Jul 31, 2013
Pilgrims from King鈥檚 community travel to Pine Channel, Saskatchewan
From July 4-16, a group of 16 associated with King’s spent time with First Nations communities
Jul 25, 2013
High school educators from China visit King's for the day
Educators from eight regions across China stopped by King's on July 24
Jul 9, 2013
Students retrace steps of Canadian soldiers at this year's Canadian Battlefields Tour
Colleen Malloy '12 shares her experience as she toured the Canadian battlefields in Europe this summer
Jun 21, 2013
International Students Celebrate Graduation with their families at Principal's Luncheon
All families of King’s graduating class of international students were invited to a Luncheon on June 12th
Jun 19, 2013
Psychology professor Dr. Cathy Chovaz receives research grant for autism work
King's professor Dr. Cathy Chovaz is the recipient of the 2013 Western University Autism Centre of Excellence Research Award
Jun 11, 2013
Congratulations King's Graduates!
Click here for a preview of our photos
Jun 7, 2013
Two student athletes from Bermuda make King's their home
King's students Heather Sinclair & Jennifer Chisnall share their experience at King's while playing for the Mustangs