Nov 3, 2014
Drs. Siu Ming Kwok and Dora Tam recognized as outstanding alumni
Social Work professors received Outstanding Alumni Awards at the City University of Hong Kong's Homecoming on October 26.
Oct 23, 2014
King's Professor Ruth Ann Strickland receives Award for Excellence in Teaching by Part Time Faculty
EBM professor receives this year's Pat Time Teaching Award at Autumn Convocation on October 23.
Oct 21, 2014
Social Work attends Housing First Training
A group of 13 social work master's students and Dr. Dora Tam in the Groups and Communities Practice course attended the Housing First Training on October 17.
Sep 29, 2014
Three Guys in Africa
This past summer, King's graduates embarked on a trip of a lifetime throughout Africa as they helped raise money for The Water Project.
Sep 25, 2014
King's students to host London Mayoral Debate on October 8, 2014
King’s SJPS & Political Science students with support from the King’s Debate Society present the King’s Mayoral Candidates Debate.
Sep 22, 2014
Beijing University of Chemical Technology visits King's
Delegates from Beijing University of Chemical Technology met with King's to discuss future projects.
Sep 19, 2014
King's Social Justice and Peace Studies students kick off experiential learning course
Second year students in Social Justice and Peace Studies will be participating in a variety of community placements.
Sep 16, 2014
King's Professor Robert Ventresca named Member of The Royal Society of Canada College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists
Dr. Ventresca is an Associate Professor in the Department of History at King’s.
Sep 8, 2014
The passing of Catherine Turner
The King's Community mourns the passing of Catherine Turner, Student Development Assistant.
Sep 8, 2014
Three Vice-Principals named at 51视频, London
As it celebrates its 60th year, King’s has appointed three Vice-Principals to provide strategic leadership within its Senior Administration team.
Aug 28, 2014
Principal David Sylvester gets lessons from Western Rowing
King's is home to 200 student athletes who participate on Western Mustangs teams and clubs.
Aug 20, 2014
King鈥檚 welcomes youth to YOU Community Resource Fair
King’s is pleased to be home base this week for the Summer Jobs For Youth program via Youth Opportunities Unlimited (YOU).
Aug 15, 2014
Baby Chimney Swifts to be released tonight from King's roof
Several baby Chimney Swifts will be released from the roof of King’s at 6 p.m. August 15, 2014 by Swift Care Ontario.
Aug 12, 2014
The passing of Dr. Hugh Mellon
The King's Community mourns the passing of Dr. Hugh Mellon, Political Science professor.
Aug 8, 2014
Meet KAMP mentor Sarah Lehman
Get to know Sarah Lehman, a mentor in our King's Academic Mentorship Program
Jul 30, 2014
King's discusses areas of collaboration with partner universities in Brazil
Officials from King's and Schulich meet with partner universities in Brazil on July 27 and 28, 2014.
Jul 27, 2014
King's psychology students present research at international conference
Rylan Waring and Adam Newton presented their paper on symbiotic symbols at the Cognitive Science Society conference in Quebec City.
Jul 24, 2014
Chongqing Technology and Business University delegates visit King's campus
Delegates from CTBU met with King's administration to discuss the CTBU/King's 2+2 joint degree program.