Nov 5, 2015
One Year Later: a discussion of mental health & homelessness
Join our special guests as we unpack our homelessness and mental health issues in London. The discussion takes place on Thursday November 5, 2015 at 5 p.m. – 6:30 p.m., Bessie Labatt Hall, Room 105C, 266 Epworth Ave., London. Parking available in lot 1, north side of Epworth Ave. -
Oct 28, 2015
Two King's Students to Lead Session at Campus to City Conference in Vancouver
Two King’s students will lead a workshop on civic engagement in Vancouver this fall. Kayley Macgregor, a third year student at King’s and Kayla LeBlanc, a fifth year student, have been invited to the Campus to City conference hosted by Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, B.C. -
Oct 27, 2015
Alumna Danielle Brouwer 2015, attends Vanderbilt Workshop, The Digital Humanities and the History of Slavery
Renee Soulodre-La France, runs into King's grad, Danielle Brouwer in Nashville at Vanderbilt University. -
Oct 26, 2015
King's launches new responsive web sites
51视频 is proud to showcase its new responsive web sites, designed to make user experience more friendly across all electronic devices. -
Oct 16, 2015
Meet Domonic and Donovan McDonald, Twins from Nassau Bahamas
Identical twins are now settled in to King’s residence and discovering life in London, Ontario. -
Oct 13, 2015
King's graduates head to Uganda to work for local NGOs
Courtney Vaughan '15 and Jenna Strathearn '15 will be participating in an international exchange with Douglas College’s Uganda Project.
Sep 25, 2015
King's Student named to the Young Women's Advisory Council
First year King’s student Hailey Clarke has been named to the Young Women’s Advisory Council (YWAC) after recommendation by the RCMP Youth Advisory Panel.
Sep 22, 2015
King's Professor Antonio Calcagno named Member of The Royal Society of Canada College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists
King’s University College congratulates Dr. Antonio Calcagno, elected as a Member to the prestigious Royal Society of Canada, College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists, in recognition of his research as an emerging, young, scholar. -
Sep 17, 2015
King's Professor named President of Society for History of Children and Youth
Meet the Ninth President of the Society for History of Children and Youth, King’s Chair for the Department of Interdisciplinary Programs, Dr. Patrick Ryan. -
Sep 17, 2015
King's philosophy student and English alumna off to Dublin for Undergraduate Awards Global Summit
Two King's students are off to Dublin for the Undergraduate Awards Global Summit. -
Sep 14, 2015
Dr. Marcie Penner gives Keynote at Cortona Week in Tuscany
King’s Associate Professor of Psychology, Dr. Marcie Penner-Wilger, gave an invited keynote at Cortona Week, a transdisciplinary conference held in Tuscany (Sept. 5 – 12). -
Sep 11, 2015
King's Social Work Professors receive Association of Social Work Boards Foundation grant
King's Professors Dr. Dora Tam, Dr. Siu Ming Kwok, and Dr. Rachel Birnbaum are the latest recipients of the Social Work Board's Foundation grant. -
Sep 9, 2015
Beijing University of Chemical Technology welcomes Dr. Werstine as guest lecturer
King's Modern Languages Chair, Dr. Paul Werstine, travelled to China this summer where he shared his knowledge of Shakespeare with second year students at The Beijing University of Chemical Technology. -
Sep 4, 2015
King's Move-In & Opening Ceremonies set for Monday Sept 7
King’s University College, rolls out the welcome mat to more than 3500 new and returning students including 351 who will move into residence on Monday September 7, 2015 starting at 9 a.m. -
Sep 4, 2015
Bridging Week 2015
King's welcomes 132 participants, visiting scholars, and parents to its 2015 International Bridging Week. -
Aug 24, 2015
Children of Jewish, Muslim and Christian faiths gather for Peace Camp at King's
King’s University College welcomes the third annual London Interfaith Peace Camp (LIPC) on Monday, August 24th through Friday, August 28th. -
Aug 20, 2015
King's Religious Studies Professor attends Collegium
King’s Religious Studies Professor attends conference on changing face of Catholicism on Catholic campuses across North America -
Aug 18, 2015
King's English Professor speaks at international and interdisciplinary conference on solitude
King's Assistant Professor of English, Dr. Coby Dowdell, was invited to speak at the Cultures of Solitude: Representations of Hermits and Recluses, an international and interdisciplinary Conference at the University of Würzburg, Germany.