Apr 12, 2016
King's student enhances her education by researching abroad
Paula Rayo, a student in her final year of psychology at King’s, has presented her findings from an experiential learning trip in Peru. -
Apr 12, 2016
Social Justice and Peace Studies Symposium
Fourth year students in the SJPS program participated in a senior seminar research symposium that brought together the two sections of the fourth year seminar course whose research focused on global issues. -
Apr 8, 2016
Fourth year King's student presenting at Notre Dame Student Peace Conference
Fourth year student in Social Justice and Peace Studies and Anthropology, Amanda Wilson, will partake in the Notre Dame Student Peace Conference. -
Apr 7, 2016
International Farewell Luncheon Celebrates Students
The annual International Farewell Luncheon celebrated students' accomplishments and achievements.
Apr 4, 2016
King's welcomes Bahamian students
King's welcomed students from Anatol Rodgers High School in Nassau, Bahamas to tour campus, and experience life at King's. -
Apr 1, 2016
King's Business students visit Ingredion Canada
Students in an Operations Management class visited Ingredion Canada, a food processing plant specializing in the conversion or corn into various starches, sugary syrups and proteins. -
Apr 1, 2016
Psychology Honors Thesis students showcase independent research
King's fourth year Psychology students present their theses to the community through research poster presentation. -
Mar 31, 2016
Students host Death Cafe and celebrate awareness of Death
The Than Clan is hosting a Death Cafe, Thursday, March 31, creating a safe space for people to have discussions about all aspects of death and dying. -
Mar 31, 2016
Hugh Mellon Excellence in Research Award: Dr. Rachel Birnbaum March 2016
This year's recipient of the Hugh Mellon Excellence in Research Award is Social Work Professor, Dr. Rachel Birnbaum.
Mar 29, 2016
King's holds Periscope Lunch and Learn Workshop
King's Communication & Media Relations interns will host a Periscope session Wednesday, March 30, teaching members of the community how to utilize the live streaming application. -
Mar 29, 2016
Psychology for the Common Good: King's Psych Students Design Research-Based Solutions to Real-World Problems
Students in Professor Marcie Penner-Wilger’s PSYCH 4694 course develop research-based solutions to real-world problems facing our community. -
Mar 24, 2016
King's Celebrates Holy Week
Come and celebrate the end of Holy Week with King's. -
Mar 23, 2016
King's Experiential Learning: Addis Ababa 2016
Go on a journey with King's Political Science students as they go abroad to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia during reading week 2016. -
Mar 18, 2016
King's Student-Athlete Riley Bell wins gold medal at national championships
King's student, Riley Bell, wins gold medal in Long Jump at the Canadian Interuniveristy Sport (CIS) Championships. -
Mar 18, 2016
Congratulations to newly elected KUCSC president, Nathan Little
SJPS student, Nathan Little, has been elected the new KUCSC president. -
Mar 16, 2016
King's Choir hits a high note with nomination for local music award
King’s Chamber Choir is nominated for the 2016 Jack Richardson London Music Awards for Best Choir/Choral group. -
Mar 14, 2016
King's Students Visit Dominican Republic, February 2016, as part of Experiential Learning Course
Hear about the insightful experiential learning trip to the Dominican Republic led by King's Social Justice and Peace Studies professor Dr. Allyson Larkin. -
Mar 14, 2016
King's alumna accomplishes dream to work in Dominican Republic
Read how Social Justice and Peace Studies (SJPS) alumna, Elise Dunn ’13 has turned her dreams into a reality.