Jan 26, 2017
King's Student Wins Big
Eric Straatman and his band are the winners of the London Music Office's contest to be the opening act for Canadian band, USS. -
Jan 23, 2017
King's Hour with Jennifer Keesmaat - "Building Cities That Work"
King's Hour is Wednesday, January 25th at 3:30pm in Kenny Theatre. -
Jan 19, 2017
King's Associate Professor presents at uOttawa on Canadian Refugee Policy
Dr. Stephanie Bangarth speaks at the University of Ottawa on Refugee History. -
Jan 18, 2017
King's Thanatology Professor and student to be honoured at the Association for Death Education and Counseling Conference
Professor Carrie Arnold and Mark Shelvock will receive their awards at the conference in Portland, Oregon. -
Jan 16, 2017
King's to host United Nations GIFT Box Project (UNGIFT)
The UNGIFT Box can be seen in Labatt Hall starting on Tuesday, January 17th. The exhibit is designed to raise awareness of human trafficking in London. -
Jan 13, 2017
King's welcomes students from Kangnam University, Korea
King's was pleased to welcome 32 students and instructors from South Korea. -
Jan 9, 2017
King's Frost Week 2017
Warm up January with exciting Frost Week activities.
Jan 5, 2017
Welcome new students from around the world
King's welcomes new students to campus and to London as they begin Winter term. -
Dec 29, 2016
Lights, camera, action! King's Players hit the stage in January for their annual musical production
The King's Players present Reefer Madness, a musical comedy. -
Dec 23, 2016
King's international student bids farewell to King's after a great semester
Australian student from the University of Notre Dame, Esther Power, shares her international experience at King’s. -
Dec 23, 2016
King's researchers in sociology and social work report rapid growth rate of people on social assistance in the wider London area
Sociology professor Dr. Don Kerr and the School of Social Work professor Dr. Tracy Smith-Carrier conducted research on social assistance in the London area. -
Dec 20, 2016
King's Catholic Educational Partnership Group meet to promote Catholic education
The group met for the semi-annual meeting to discuss Catholic education. -
Dec 9, 2016
King's new Safe Campus policy on sexual violence prevention
The King's Board of Directors approved and enacted a new sexual violence policy for the safety of students, staff, faculty, volunteers and visitors to campus. -
Dec 6, 2016
King's appoints new Director of Human Resources
Ms. Julie Horne is expected to begin this January. -
Dec 2, 2016
King's third year student appointed to be a community leader
Floranda Agroam is a 3rd year Political Science and Social Justice & Peace Studies student at King’s. -
Nov 21, 2016
King's faculty and guests debate Trump presidency from a Canadian and an American perspective
Faculty in Political Science and Economics along with colleagues from History at Western University and Economics at St. Ambrose University, Iowa will debate the Trump Presidency. -
Nov 18, 2016
King's mentees spend an afternoon with Deputy Premier Deb Matthews
As part of the King's mentorship program, six King's students spent an afternoon with Ontario's Deputy Premier Deb Matthews. -
Nov 18, 2016
King's welcomes representatives from the China Youth University of Political Science
King's staff and faculty welcomed the guests from Beijing on their tour of campus.