Apr 20, 2017
Social Work professor conducts research for parent-child communication
Dr. Rachel Birnbaum is conducting research on the use of smart technology for increasing parent-child contact and is seeking volunteers for her survey. -
Apr 17, 2017
Student Social Media Survey
King’s students: do you snap, tweet or post? That’s what King’s Communications wants to find out. Complete the survey and enter to win swag!
Apr 12, 2017
Dr. Don Kerr receives the Hugh Mellon Excellence in Research Award
Congratulations to Sociology professor Dr. Don Kerr, this year's recipient of the Hugh Mellon Excellence in Research Award. -
Apr 11, 2017
Congratulations Alana Pawley for the Aboriginal Graduate Award of Excellence
Social Justice and Peace Studies student Alana Pawley has received the Dr. Valio Markkanen Aboriginal Graduate Award of Excellence for 2017 from Western. -
Apr 6, 2017
Veritas Series with Father Radcliffe
The last Veritas Series of the academic year is April 6th at 7:30pm in Kenny Theatre with Father Radcliffe. -
Apr 5, 2017
King's Undergraduate Research Journal inaugural issue released in full digital format
The inaugural issue of the King’s Undergraduate Research Journal, a multi-media digital publication has been released. -
Apr 5, 2017
Celebrating Research Excellence and Creativity in our History students
King’s history students studying Cold War America showcased their projects in the Vitali Lounge. -
Apr 5, 2017
Sacred Art: Retrieving the Sacred in New Ways art exhibition
Sacred Art: Retrieving the Sacred in New Ways art exhibition will be held in Vitali Lounge Extension. -
Apr 4, 2017
New History and the Law Mentorship Opportunity
Applications now open for history students who want a workplace experience at Lerners Law. -
Apr 2, 2017
King's Professor Dr. Allyson Larkin speaks on RICE Panel
King's Associate Professor Dr. Allyson Larkin sits on panel event called Researching International and Contemporary Education (RICE) Panel: Populism, post-truth and politics of division at Western University. -
Apr 1, 2017
De-Globalization, Re-Nationalization, Rising Populism – Oh My!
Organized by the King’s Political Science Students Association and the King’s Economics and Math club. This round table discussion is focused on different trends in the global political economy and what those trends indicate for the future of global trade and the resilience of neoliberal globalization. Vitali Lounge. -
Mar 29, 2017
King's Student Named One of Five Top Students in Great Canadian Sales Competition
Third year King's student Jamal Hijazi was named as one of the top five finalists in the 2017 Great Canadian Sales Competition. -
Mar 29, 2017
With Glowing Hearts – King's Canada 150 Celebration
King's celebrates Canada's 150th anniversary. -
Mar 27, 2017
Community-based projects compete for Penner Prize
Students from Dr. Marcie Penner-Wilger's Collaborative Research in Applications of Psychology Science class present the results of their community-based learning projects to a panel of community members. -
Mar 27, 2017
Meet King's Assistant Professor in Social Work Dr. Bharati Sethi
Meet King's Faculty in Social Work Dr. Bharati Sethi. -
Mar 24, 2017
King's student, Bassel Kadri, shares the story of dunya. Streetwear
King's student Bassel Kadri explains the roots of his co-owned comany dunya. Streetwear based in London Ontario. -
Mar 23, 2017
Canadian War Museum Historian Tim Cook releases new Vimy100 book with guest lecture at King's
King's welcomes preeminent historian Tim Cook of the Canadian War Museum in campus. -
Mar 22, 2017
King's Hour with Dr. Nonie Brennan - "Building Effective Nonprofits through Leadership, Relationships, and Collaboration."
King's Hour is Wednesday, March 22nd at 3:30pm in the Kenny Theatre.