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Jul 28, 2022
Psychology professor discusses how perception of tattoos are changing in the workplace
"Perhaps tattoos are not as detrimental and they once seemed," says Assistant Psychology Professor Alexandra Zidenburg. Professor Zidenburg speaks to London Morning on CBC Radio on the perception of tattoos in the workplace. -
Jul 26, 2022
'Substantial but disappointing': Local Indigenous communities reflect on Pope Francis' apology
Sharing the voices of Sean Hoogterp of the Walpole Island First Nation, Bkejwanong Territory and Indigenous Initiatives Coordinator for King’s, and Liz Akiwenzie, Indigenous Knowledge Keeper on the papal apology. -
Jul 24, 2022
Dr. Ventresca discusses what Pope Francis brings to reconciliation in Canada
As Pope Francis arrives in Canada, Dr. Robert Ventresca, Interim Academic Dean and papal scholar, discusses in a Toronto Star article if the pope will renounce a C15th Doctrine of Discovery used as the legal basis to colonize territories inhabited by non-Christians. “Popes are keepers of an office that is very, very slow to change,” says Dr. Ventresca. -
Jul 19, 2022
Dr. Csiernik talks about the stigma of addiction
Dr. Rick Csiernik, Professor in the School of Social Work, appeared on Rogers TV's Invisible: Breaking Through the Stigma of Addiction to discuss how addiction and substance use affects all areas of society. -
Jul 14, 2022
Dr. Kerr talks to Free Press regarding income growth and disparity
Dr. Don Kerr, Professor of Sociology, told the London Free Press that while the number of Londoners earning less than $20,000 a year dropped between 2015 and 2020, income inequality will increase without government support. -
Jul 14, 2022
Dr. Meek: Search for easy COVID answers turns to conspiracy theories on lab leaks
In an article about lab leaks on, Dr. Alison Meek, Associate Professor of History, discusses how people wanting "easy answers to complex questions" about topics like COVID, turn to conspiracy theories, especially if governments aren't transparent about lab leaks. -
Jul 14, 2022
Dr Lawlor discusses naming of bridges on CBC Windsor
Dr. Andrea Lawlor, Associate Professor of Politics and International Relations, appeared on CBC's Windsor Morning with Nav Nanwa to speak about the naming of two bridges in Chatham-Kent. -
Jul 13, 2022
Dr. Preston speaks to Chatelaine on changing attitudes toward people with disabilities
In a Chatelaine article on how medical debts have led some Canadians to consider medical assistance in dying, Dr. Jeff Preston, Assistant Professor of Disability Studies, says that Canada needs "a sea change in attitudes" and to grant people with disabilities the right to the resources they need. -
Jul 13, 2022
Dr. Tieku discusses prize-winning article
Dr. Thomas Tieku, Associate Professor of Politics and International Relations, has been named the joint winner of the Review of International Studies (RIS) Best Article Prize for "The Legon School of International Relations." The British International Studies Association has posted a discussion between Dr. Tieku and RIS editor Martin Coward about the article. -
Jul 12, 2022
Dr. Zidenberg on the various reasons people get tattoos
Dr. Alexandra Zidenberg, Assistant Professor of Psychology, discusses the reasons why people get tattoos in an article on Some do it for uniqueness, others to tell a story and some for the physical effect. -
Jun 23, 2022
Dr. Marcie Penner on pay gap for women in academia
Dr. Marcie Penner, Associate Professor of Psychology, has co-written an article for The Conversation on the impacts from the gender pay gap for faculty at Canadian universities. -
Jun 20, 2022
Dr. Lawlor on what it takes to be a school board trustee
With few candidates in the running for public and Catholic school board trustees, Dr. Andrea Lawlor, Associate Professor of Politics and International Relations, discusses the pros and cons of taking on the role in an article in the London Free Press. -
Jun 16, 2022
Dr. Ventresca on Pope Pius XII, hero or villain?
Dr. Robert Ventresca, Interim Academic Dean and papal scholar, offers his thoughts in the Catholic Register on a new book by David Kertzer, The Pope at War: The Secret History of Pius XII, Mussolini and Hitler, which discusses the role Pope Pius XII played in World War II and the Holocaust. -
May 25, 2022
Dr. Newman on Ed Holder's retirement and the rigours of political life
Dr. Jacquetta Newman, Professor of Politics and International Relations, told CTV News that holding political office takes a lot more effort than many people may think as part of a news story about London Mayor Ed Holder announcing his retirement. -
May 24, 2022
Dr. Geen on misunderstanding of religious symbols with hate language
Dr. Jonathan Geen, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, lent his expertise to a CBC article on how the banning of the swastika might affect those who use the Hindu swastik symbol for religious expression -
May 19, 2022
Dr. Chovaz interviewed regarding diagnosing ADHD in Deaf children
Dr. Cathy Chovaz, Chair & Associate Professor, Dept of Psychology, was recently interviewed by Deaf Dots about the challenges of diagnosing ADHD in Deaf children. Dr. Chovaz's segment begins at 10:14.
May 19, 2022
Dr. Drachewych on Sweden, Finland and NATO
Dr. Oleksa Drachewych, Lecturer in the Department of History, appeared on NewsTalk 610's The Tom McConnell Show, to discuss Sweden and Finland applying to join NATO. -
May 18, 2022
Financial insecurity fuels rental merry-go-round
Dr. Jason Dean, assistant professor of Economics, looks at the high mobility rates among middle-income renters in Ontario and Quebec in a London Free Press article.