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Dec 5, 2022
Dr. Webster discusses Canada's Indo-Pacific strategy
Dr. David Webster, Associate Professor of Human Rights Studies, has written an article, reposted by the London Free Press and National Post, arguing that Canada's new Indo-Pacific strategy is "a welcome return of common sense" but big gaps remain. -
Dec 2, 2022
King's featured in photographer's diverse view of London
King's is featured in photographer Richard Bain's new book, Shared Waters: London Listens. The book includes photos and a write-up about King's and a foreword by Leslee White-Eye, a former board member at King's.
Nov 29, 2022
King's alumnus named in London's Twenty in their 20s
Justin Tiseo, BA’16, partner and assistant general manager of East Park Golf Gardens, was named as a recipient in Business London's Twenty in their 20s awards, as covered by Western News. -
Nov 18, 2022
Dr Newman: Council needs to walk the walk with diversity and inclusion
Dr. Jacquetta Newman, Professor of Politics and International Relations, offered her views to a London Free Press article covering London city council's nixing its own vote in order to add more gender diversity to the public library board.
Nov 17, 2022
Dr. Kerr talks world population numbers on 980 CFPL
Dr. Don Kerr, Professor of Sociology, appeared on 980 CFPL to talk to Mike Stubbs on London Live about the world population reaching eight billion and what it means. -
Nov 15, 2022
Dr. Dean discusses impact of immigration targets on labour, housing
In an article in The Cord, Dr. Jason Dean, Assistant Professor of Economics in the School of Management, Economics, and Mathematics, talks about the impact immigration targets could have on labour shortages and housing prices. -
Nov 8, 2022
Dr. Harris explains Thanatology and death literacy to CBC
Dr. Darcy Harris, Professor of Thanatology, was interviewed as part of a documentary about the language we use to refer to death and dying that aired on CBC's Tapestry with Mary Hynes. (Dr. Harris begins at the 11:12 mark.) -
Oct 28, 2022
Dr. Chau offers reasons behind religious shifts
The latest census data shows a decline in the number of Londoners who identify as Christians. Dr. Carolyn Chau, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, used her expertise to discuss the reasons behind this decline in a London Free Press article. -
Oct 26, 2022
King's course shows economics does seek meaning
Dr. Jafar El Armali, Lecturer of Economics in the School of Management, Economics, and Mathematics, talked to the Catholic Register about a new course that aligns with Pope Francis' economic outlook and "seeks to teach economics in a way that the theories of markets, labour and price mechanisms are not divorced from reality." -
Oct 26, 2022
Dr. Kerr talks London's immigration boom to Free Press
In an article in the London Free Press, Dr. Don Kerr, Professor of Sociology, examines new census data that shows the number of newcomers settling in the London area over the past five years growing by more than 70 per cent. -
Oct 25, 2022
King's students offer take on municipal election results
CBC London Morning reconvenes with King's students, Sofiat Ajibowu, Ava Hassan and Megan Hathaway Scrivens for their take on the municipal election results. -
Oct 24, 2022
Dr. Grant discusses changes to British Prime Minister's office on podcast
Dr. John Grant, Associate Professor and Department Chair of Political Science, talks to guest host Rubina Ahmed-Haq about the resignation of Liz Truss as the British Prime Minister and the naming of Rishi Sunak to that office, on the Alex Pierson Show podcast. -
Oct 20, 2022
These King's students want to make London's election 'cool again'
The CBC reports on how four students at King's are using social media to encourage other young people to learn about and vote in the upcoming municipal election. -
Oct 20, 2022
Social Work's Elkassem speaks on research on impact of Islamophobia
Siham Elkassem, BSW '15, MSW '16 and Lecturer in the School of Social Work, joined CBC London Morning to share her findings from a research study about Islamophobia in London and how it affects other BIPOC communities.
Oct 20, 2022
Dr. Newman speaks to Toronto Star about Richmond Hill protests
Dr. Jacquetta Newman, Professor of Politics and International Relations, was quoted in a Toronto Star article about Richmond Hill residents protesting against "a bullying culture" at city council. Dr. Newman discussed how the protests could actually increase voter engagement. -
Oct 18, 2022
Dr. Arnold discusses if grief can be cured on TVO's The Agenda
Dr. Carrie Arnold, Assistant Professor of Thanatology, participated in a panel discussion examining society's approach to grief which asked "Can Grief Be Cured" on TVO's The Agenda with Steve Paikin. -
Oct 18, 2022
Dr. Lawlor's research referenced in CBC News article on midwifery
A CBC News article on midwives working to driving positive change in Ontario's health care system included discussion of research on burnout in the profession done by Dr. Andrea Lawlor, Associate Professor of Politics and International Relations, and Meagan Furnivall, clinical department lead at the London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC). -
Oct 14, 2022
Elkassem: Islamophobia affecting mental health of London youth
In an article in the London Free Press, Siham Elkassem, BSW '15, MSW '16 and Lecturer in the School of Social Work, discusses her research into the impact that the rise in Islamophobia has had on the mental health of London Muslim youth.